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Thread: Can you read between the lines?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    The Big Apple

    Can you read between the lines?

    I had a breakup 2 weeks back with no contact deal and all those things ( I was the one who was hurt more or actually felt like we could have put some efforts hence I asked for the no contact). Anyway as it happens it was my bday today and I got a card..nothing great but still " hope u have a great day, enjoy" kind of message just turned me off. I mean when you say to someone that its hard for me to stay in touch with you, you really dont want that human being to be anywhere around you. THEN WHY CANT SHE UNDERSTAND THAT AND LEAVE ME ALONE??
    Is it because that person has moved on so much that they cant imagine how hurtful even such a small contact would be? Or is this something out of sympathy? That since you initiated the breakup you just feel like being "friend" with your ex-bf and wish him happy bday when he completely hates that idea. So trying to get rid of guilt at the expense of my feelings. Because I know its not like she is rubbing salt on my wounds or anything...

    I have actually said it in my earlier post that I made all this clear to her, her parents (since even seeing them again was gonna hard for me). I was OK for few days, I mean it, but this just makes me feel like I AM BEING FORCED INTO REVISITING THE OLD GHOSTS

    Ok. Now I can also see I am still not over it all, but isn't it normal in someways????????????????????
    Plz tell me why people do such things.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    oh man i totally know what you mean. i dated this guy once and when we broke up i told him that i needed him to not write me emails or try to stay in touch with me at all. that it would be too hard to move on with him lingering around. he respected it until after xmas he sent this mass mailing to people saying merry xmas blah blah blah. i was just like, "damn you why must you do shit like that?!?!"

    anyway, she probably still cares and wants to get in touch with you but didn't know how. if you don't reply to her then she probably won't send you anymore cause then she'll know you mean it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    The Big Apple
    Although I said not rubbing salts on my wounds, but still, genuine caring is not something that I can see. I mean you can sense that in a person, right? Even when we broke up, she was like "but we can still be freinds, Its ok with me" . I was like what the heck????? I havent moved on completely and how can u even start this??? Its like offering you a consolation prize, that although we are no more gonna try and work out things, guess what?? SURPRISE! WE CAN BE FRIENDS!!!

    I think am really not getting mad out of reason ( plz dont tell me if anyone feels that way), a friend means something to me and I dont want to be called 'friends' when I know the way she really feels about it. So yes although not rubbing salt but there is no care either....I can promise that..

    MAYBE I SHOULD JUST SAY I WAS DUMPED....that would relieve some of this

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