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Thread: worried i am deeply dressed or heading for breakdown?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    worried i am deeply dressed or heading for breakdown?

    Broke no contact and husband was nice but very distant. told me he he is spending christmas with other woman.

    My daughter (23) says she doesnt call me nuch as I am always depressed and talk about ex. I dont see my son (20) either. He lives with ex and always out with friends.

    I feel so alone and cry loads. I lost my job as being bullied by boss. I can stick up for myself but with all this couldnt cope and walked out.

    They dont phone to check if i am ok. I am sure if it was other way round I would phone my ex to check if he was ok.

    After 25 years I am so totally lost and alone.

    I want to be happy. I hate all this. I am trying so hard to get over him and re build my life but it is soooo hard.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Between being bullied, feeling alone and crying a lot, it really sounds like you need help. Find someone to talk to, quickly - a lot of countries have phone counselling services, or you could go and see your doctor and ask for a referral. That's not to say you need to be medicated or anything like that, but talking to someone in depth about how things are can help you find a solution to your problems.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    i think i have hit rock bottom with the separation. losing job and christmas making me feel worse.

    spoke to friend today and he said he cried every night for 10 months when his wife left him and his friend used to try and take him out to get him drunk to cheer him up. another friend is on anti depressants. another is grieving too.

    at least what i feel is normal. i feel like a dysfunctional person.

    why is it when someone says they are separating or divorcing we don't think much of it until you go through it yourself you realise exactly how painful it actually is?

    the only way is up!! i am having a particular bad day and will consider doctors if i feel the same one week from today. i am going to try so hard to beat this.

    it was described to me as trying to find your way to a location and you have to cross a rough ocean. it will be a choppy ride but i will get there. i just have to find my way.


  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by aliwal View Post

    the only way is up!! i am having a particular bad day and will consider doctors if i feel the same one week from today. i am going to try so hard to beat this.

    it was described to me as trying to find your way to a location and you have to cross a rough ocean. it will be a choppy ride but i will get there. i just have to find my way.
    That's the spirit! Yes, this storm shall pass. In your down times, think of all the shit you put up with when you were married. You aren't missing him--only the loss of what might have been (if he hadn't been such an ass).

    If it gets too much, see your doc for some antidepressant meds. Lots of women (and men!) take them to get through hard periods like this. And yes, try to get out and connect with friends, join a gym--it will help.

    Stick around; others will have comments as well, I'm sure.
    Second thoughts can generally be amended with judicious action; injudicious actions can seldom be recovered with second thoughts.
    --Cyteen by C.J.Cherryh

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