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Thread: To keep your ex or not to keep?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    To keep your ex or not to keep?

    Hey everyone!

    I have an ex boyfriend problem. Never thought I will have to deal with something like this, but it happened.
    My ex just can't let me go, and it got to this point where I'm paranoid to answer my phone, or open the door because I'm afraid it might be him.

    I'll try to keep it as short as possible, and I apologize if this will be a long post.

    We broke up at 2011 July. He was extremely angry and heartbroken that I left him. We were together only for 3 months, everything just started too quickly, he wasn't the right person for me and I was sure that I wanna break up.

    We started talking at September over the skype, he was very angry at me, still asking why I left him, what was wrong and similar questions. Called me a lot of insulting words too, and after that I was afraid of him, but kept thinking that he has the right to be angry, after all it was I who dumped him. Our every conversation ended up in a fight, but after it he always apologized and always asked to meet up. I always said no because I was afraid and didn't trust him. I wanted to completely erase him from my life. But I didn't want to hurt him, and said that we could meet one day when I'm ready. I regret that I said those words, because even until this day he writes to me, calls me asking to meet up.

    I don't even want to see him, he acts very very sweet now, sometimes I get messages from him where he says how much he misses me and our moments together, he even admitted that he cannot forget me so easily. I tried telling him to not contact me, I tried to be angry with him, I tried to act like a real b*tch just so he would start hating me, but nothing worked, he still tries to contact me in every way possible. He even came to my house few weeks ago and that was the worst thing ever! Because he was acting again very sweet, we hugged and I lost it there. He asked if we can meet one day, and I said maybe (again what a mistake..)

    I just feel that I don't want to see him at all, I want to move on with my life, and I want to completely say goodbye to him. But it seems like he's not hearing me and doesn't understand why I don't want to be friends with him.

    I just don't know what to do, and I don't know if I'm acting right. I'm thinking about completely ignoring him.
    I would appreciate any kind of comments.

    Thank you
    Last edited by Bumio; 20-11-11 at 06:31 AM.

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