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Thread: What happened to him!?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    What happened to him!?

    I'm currently studying abroad in London and living in housing that's basically a hotel provided for students during school terms. There are a group of guys who are in a different program than mine and pretty "fratty," so I never really paid much attention to them. I tend to get shy around those kind of guys (especially in a pack). I noticed that one guy was really attractive in an obvious way, but I normally don't gravitate towards pretty boys.

    Well, I've slowly discovered that the attractive guy (James) may have girls flocking to him at all times, but he's actually pretty shy/awkward. Of course that made him more attractive to me. I still didn't pay him much attention, until last Friday night. The pack of guys had been onto me for a while about going out with them, but I kept giving them excuses. I decided to go see a movie with a friend Friday night instead of going to the bar with them, and when I got home James Facebook chatted me "tsk tsk tsk.." (obviously still tipsy). We chatted for a few minutes in a subtle, flirty way..and then he's like, "Don't we live right next door to each other?"...(we do), and he turns his music up so I can hear it. It was pretty cute. I then tell him I'm going to bed..

    I decide to go out with the boys on Saturday night, and go to one of their rooms where they're playing drinking games. Of course they try to make me uncomfortable by having bro talk at my expense, but I notice that James doesn't chime in. We finally leave for the bar, and James and I talk a lot on the walk over. When we get to the bar, a friend of mine joins us (Sarah), and we're surprised when James and one of his friends almost immediately start talking to two girls. We just shrug it off and go do our own thing. As soon as we know it, James and his friend show up behind us and ask where we went..James is like, we've been looking all over for you guys! So I say "Mhmmm...where are your friends?" and he's like "Ohh..I just like talking to people," with a smirk.

    We silly dance for a while with James and his friend..which is actually a lot of fun. James and I keep making each other crack up with our ridiculous dance moves. Then, out of the blue, the two girls from earlier (who are obviously wasted) basically attack James and his friend and pull them away to dance. I could tell James's friend wanted us to bolt, but James looked a little reluctant. In any event, my friend and I peaced out and found other guys to dance with. My back was to James, but Sarah told me that he kept looking over at us. I think to look over at the boys at one point, and I see them standing by themselves, looking confused. So, I kindly tell the random French guy that I was dancing with that I have to go to the bathroom, and I go down there to ask the guys what happened. THE GIRLS WERE MARRIED! I cracked up for a good 5 minutes...James's friend still looks pissed, but James is laughing too. I decide to bring the guys to the other side of the dance floor and start to awkwardly silly dance with them again. Then, I somehow end up in front of James, and he pulls me closer to him. James's friend declares that he has to go to the bathroom...haha.

    I dance with James for a long time, and neither of us are even tipsy at this point. He puts his fingers through mine, puts his arms around me, etc. It felt oddly intimate, not sexual. There are several moments where are faces graze and it seems like he's going to kiss me, but we're both shy, so it never happens. After a while we realize that we don't know where any of our friends are, so we look around for them. After no one can be found, we decide to leave and talk the whole way home. Then, we go to our respective rooms (next door to each other). After a few minutes, he fbook chats me and then keeps bringing up how bored he is and asks what I'm doing. Finally he asks if I want to hang out (it's 2:30AM). I say yes, and come over. He's sitting on his bed with his laptop open AND NO SHIRT. I casually sit on his roommate's bed (they're both twin beds & his roommate was obviously gone). We talk about random stuff, including sports stats (Idk?). Then, he starts to yawn frequently and puts his laptop away...I tell him he seems pretty tired. He's like yeah, I am..but I don't want to go to sleep because I always wake up too early. Then he progressively gets quieter and starts cocooning under his covers. So I'm like "I can leave if you want to sleep..i thought we were hanging out, not passing out. haha"

    He asks me what I'm going to do, and I say maybe watch a TV show or movie and then go to sleep (thinking he'd suggest we watch it together), and he's like wow, I'm impressed..I just can't stay up this late. By this point I've been getting comfortable in his roommate's bed, and he asks me if I'm going to sleep there, jokingly. I'm like nooo...I mean, you're fun and all, but I guess I'll let you go to sleep. He says, "Sorry, yeah. Can you hit the lights when you leave?" ........What the heck??

    Since then, he has made some smalltalk convo when we've run into each other in the kitchen..not too awkward or anything, but not acting like anything happened. I've facebook chatted him once about something funny we had talked about, and he responded normallly..but didn't really continue the conversation. I told my guy friend who knows him about everything that happened, and he was like "I knew it! I was just talking to someone the other day about how cute we thought you two would be together because you're both attractive and shy!" hah...

    But what happened to him the other night??? No kiss?..

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Not sure if it's a lost cause, or if there's something I can do!

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