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Thread: I like his friend...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    I like his friend...

    I'm pretty shy when it comes to meeting new people so I made a dating profile online. I met a guy over the summer that seemed pretty nice but after talking a bit, he stopped communicating with me. I don't know what happened but I didn't give it much thought and moved on.

    He contacted me again last month and we're planning on meeting up when I return from Thanksgiving break. Until then, we've been playing World of Warcraft together. The thing is…I met his friend in-game and we've all been playing together. And after talking to him for most of the night while his friend slept, I find myself more attracted to his personality type than his friend's… He isn't aware of the fact that I met his friend on a dating site and I didn't think it would be right to tell him. If his friend wanted it known that he's on one, I figure he would have said something so I don't want to go blurting out, "Oh, we met on a dating site." And I can't say we met at school because we go to different ones - they're nearby but we wouldn't have met up that way. I couldn't even say we met playing WoW because I'm not even from the same server he is. I couldn't think of a validate explanation so I commented on something else he said instead and he never asked again.

    For all I know, he doesn't even know his friend is interested in me at all. There are just things about him that I like more. He's more talkative and laid-back. I know that I haven't met either one in person yet and probably won't until next week so you might be wondering why this is even on my mind…but a stronger attraction to this guy is already present. Yeah, that could change. They could both decide I'm not more than friend material and hell, he might have already decided that anyways. I might even meet up with the first guy and find I like him more in the end anyways. But it's still got me kind of nervous, I know this is dangerous territory.

    Am I just stuck? It's not like I don't like the first guy at all, I just can't help but be happy when I have the friend's attention. Is it just an unlucky situation?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    No advice? I'll likely be seeing them within a week...

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