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Thread: I broke up with my bf. Did I do the right thing?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    I broke up with my bf. Did I do the right thing?

    I posted another thread about a week ago about how my bf doesn't want to spend New year's Eve with me.
    I finally said to him ok, you'll spend it with your friends and I'll spend it with mine. But what still bothered me:
    We're in a long distance relationship and we see each other once or twice a month.
    I waited a month for him to come to my hometown and he came yesterday and will be staying until the 3rd of January.
    He arrived home, he invited me over, we had sex and then he immeadiately fell asleep. When we woke up he got dressed and told me he's going out with some friends and that he'll call me later.
    5 hours later, I call him..he was at home with friends(not only guys) and I told him can I come? He said no, I want this night to hang out with just my friends.
    Then he told me that until NYE he will have 2 guys sleeping at his house and that they're gonna drink and smoke pot and that he won't have time for me, but 'maybe we'll meet for coffee' and that after the NYE he'll spend more time with me.
    It started to become a habit of his.. He'll spend some little time with me during the day..and in the evening and at night he goes out or have people over and doesn't invite me. And when he's finished, maybe he'll call me to sleep together. And then he says that sleeping together for 8 hours is time spent with me..
    I got Upset and told him that he doesn't spend time with me at all and broke up with him. I know guys need space and time to be with the guys and stuff, but we're long distance and he doesn't seem to care that we already don't see each other that often. He said he's sorry but he wants to spend his time with his friends and if I don't understand, ok..

    Do you think I was right to dump him? I love him really much and I always let him be with his friends, I am not that needy and clingy.. But I think he is starting to cross the line..
    I really need to know that I made the right decision and that I won't regret it later.. Thank you for your answers!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    You made the right decision. That dude is a d***wad. So many more good men out there, who actually c.a.r.e.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2011
    West Michigan
    Yes I'm glad you left him. So he drinks and smokes pot with his friends, after he has sex with you? Then he doesn't want to be with you? Sheesh. For me, sex is for bonding and sharing, and makes me feel closer to my gf, so I WANT to spend time with her. After sex I want her to lay in my arms and we can snuggle and talk. But most guys are not like that.

    You did good. Now upgrade with a better boyfriend. They are hard to find but they are out there.
    I have a long time interest in psychology, specializing in relationship dynamics for 30 years.
    (Please note, we give the best advice we can based on the information given in a post. For better advice, please include the age of all romantic partners.)

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Yes, you did the right thing by leaving. It's never a good idea to stick with a guy that doesn't value you. It will steal your joy and you'll only become psychologically addicted to the drama of trying to make him treat you the way you want to be treated while he never changes.

    Whatever you do, If he contacts you for another booty call, don't answer the phone and start thinking that he wants to be a decent boyfriend now. He'll just wheel you back in for more of the same ill treatment.

    Congratulations for having enough self-worth to dump an asshole.
    “The willingness to accept responsibility for one’s own life is the source from which self-respect springs.” ~Joan Didion

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