Hello All,

I have never used this forum before, but I believe that all of you can help me in this situation.

A little back story first. My name is Jake Conley, I am until recently single. My long-time Girlfriend left me in September due to having serious trust issues. Since then we have had many ups and downs with trying to work things out. For the most part we are both positive in trying to get back together in the near future.

Which brings us to now. I have asked my wonderful ex-girlfriend if she would care to accompany me to a Valentine's Day dinner. After much "umming" and "arrghing" on her part, she has come back with a quite simple challenge. She has entered a model/photo competition on facebook, that is judged by the number of "likes" it receives. The challenge is, that I have to spruke her photo to get more than 300 likes. More than 100 will win the competition, but she wants me prove how much I truly care for her.

So I turn to all you lovely people out there to assist me

As the vast majority of you will have facebook this will be quite easy, and take 2 minutes of your time.
You simply click on the link below and "like" the fan page (needed to be able to like the photo)

(N.B I have no affiliation to this site or its operators)

This one here is the most important, this is the girl I am trying to take to dinner. Thank you for coming this far. Just click "like" on the photo and we are done.
[URL="http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=241583559249687&set=a.2409589093121 52.57230.116377311770313&type=1&theater"]http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=241583559249687&set=a.2409589093121 52.57230.116377311770313&type=1&theater[/URL]

Thank you for following along with this. I appreciate your support, and I hope we can make it to 300.