Long story short, im in college and met a girl in class. i asked her out on a date and she said yes. we talked for a few days and she got weird, i called her out and she said theres a guy she went and visited that always comes back into her life just when he wants and they started talking again a few days before i sked her out. she told me she gets sucked in by him, she knows shes getting played and knows she stupid and dumb, but just cant get herself away from this guy. i wondered y she didnt just say no to my date and she told me she liked me and just didnt know how to say no. so she told me she didnt wanna talk because she didnt wanna drag me through the mud and play me, she wants to get over him first. so i asked if i could still take her out and show her how a real man should treat her. she was uncomfortable with that, so i said thats cool and get back to me when u get over him and she said ok. so we see eachother every tuesday and thursday in class and usually stay in contact over twitter, facebook, or text a few times a week too.

im not confident in just waiting for her to come to me when shes done with him. what if she loses her interest in me and stops seeing him, then i never know when to make my move? but thats my question, what should my move be?

its been about 3 weeks since this talk, were still friends and theres no awkwardness or anything, we still have a great time when were together. should i ask about the other guy and how its going? that seems desperate to me. should i just ask to hangout sometimes just as friends? should i ask to hangout and try to be flirty and try making moves? idk about that either, since she knows i know the situation and that can come off as me not respecting her decision. or should i just keep asking her on dates? tell her i know the situation, but i still wanna show her a good time and how she should/could be treated. what do u guys think i should do? any help on this situation will be greatly appreciated!