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Thread: My "steady" broke it off with me. why?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2012

    My "steady" broke it off with me. why?

    My steady and I have been seeing each other for about a yr and a month.We were VERY slow to start off but began to pick things up around the 10th month. To take you back, around the 9th month I saw him in the car with another female, he saw me see him. so I broke things off with him for about a month. He apologized and wanted to start over and wanted to leave the past in the past, so I agreed and we started over. things were getting so much better. He would call me before class and we would talk for like an hour, hour n half every other day up until like 2-3 weeks b4 he broke it off. We started to hang out more often and did "couple-like' things like he would pick me up from work and we'd get lunch or just go back to his place to chill out. He even told me he loved me! (i asked if that's what he said because I could not believe it and he said "yea, what are you going to do about it?" and I said "No, its what are YOU going to do about it." he said true and that was the end of that convo) ..(around the 12th month) One day he asked me to hang with him and his bestfriend, which was not unusual.. anyway he told me to bring a friend but my friend ended up canceling.So it was the three of us. We drank and had a good time. we were loving each other up all night and I ended up sleeping on the couch with him. It was such a good feeling! that night he also told me he loved me. that time I said it back. after then, he would text me to see where I was, not even wanting to be with me but just checking. He also began to imply that he better be the only one I'm having sex with or he would want me to re-ensure him that I was all for him; which I did. so I was at his house one day and I came downstairs and noticed he was putting my phone down as if he had read a message that popped up on the screen (as I do have the Iphone) I didn't think anything of it because I have nothing to hide.. Later I read the txt and it was from a lame ass guy who wanted to know where we stood in our friendship because we had smoked a few times and I guess he caught feelings..So valentines day came around and I didn't hear from him until late that evening, I was shocked because everything was going so well I didn't expect him to do that of ALL things. so I textd him to confront him about it and he said don't txt me anymore I have a girl... That came sooo out of left field that I didn't believe him one bit. So we stopped talking for about a week, in between time I was calling him to show that I cared.. if he had any doubts. so then he apologized and of course we are back at it. Literally 3 days later he had a convo with a colleague of mine and her having diarrhea of the mouth she told him what her and I talked about... which was about him and how I thought he saw the text. so he got mad and made up some crazy lie about me coming up to his ex and talking about him (which I would never do! not that type of person) and he was also mad because he claims I 'ran my mouth to her.' so now he said hes done, I asked him if he were serious and he said "yes, plus I need to stay focus on what he has to do"... I asked what that was and he never answered. so I left it at that. SOOOO .. can you all give me your feedback and tell me what you think is going on from an outsiders point of view please? I really do Love this guy but idk what his problem is. I think he'll come back around but why did he do this in the first place? is it jelousy? or insecurity? or what???

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2011
    I think you need to get the answer to his odd behaviour from him which, by the looks of things is going to be hard because he is very manipulative with his words as well as passive agressive and immature.

    You sure you want to be on this dweeb's roller coaster ride of not telling you when he's upset, checking your phone, not communicating and generally acting like he's in Junior High... oh, wait, are you guys actually in JH? (my apologies if he's simply acting his age).

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2012

    RE: My "steady" broke it off when things were SO good. why?

    lol no. We're actually a couple years in to college. And Yea, Idk if I want to be doing this either but somethings telling me to keep fighting. I feel like the best has yet to come. but I guess only time will tell huh?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2011
    What do you suppose is telling you to keep fighting? What loving actions does he show you (sex does not count as an action of love) In between treating you like crap?

    I agree with you, the best IS yet to come but it won't be with him. (even if you're silly enough to keep thinking he's the one for you)

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