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Thread: Friends with Benefits?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2012

    Friends with Benefits?

    My ex-boyfriend and I were together two years, when out of the blue he broke up with me. We live 70 miles apart and he's a truck driver so it was difficult to see each other very often. During long periods apart we would end up in fights (via text) over stupid little things. He'd usually end up dumping me and then calling a few days later and say he didn't mean it. 6 months ago, he dumped me for good. Then three months later we began talking again. I texted him, because his kids were doing some really nasty things (ie sending me messages on facebook, texting me nasty messages etc.) When I had proof who was doing it, I told him about it. We then talked, texted and eventually began seeing each other again. When he's on the road and has an evening alone, he'll have a few drinks and text me things like we're made for eachother, we should talk about getting back together, he loves me, he misses me... etc. The first was that he wanted to talk about getting back together, I agonized over the decision for a week. When I finally decided ok, we were good together when we were together, if we could make a point to see eachother more often, we just might be able to make this work... UGH, he denied having the whole conversation. Then he began wanting to see me when he delivered to the town I live in, which grew to stay over nights, and weekends. Last week, the texts started that he missed me, we were made for each other. When he got home to his kids, I got messages about how much they loved me and my son, and they miss us. When I told him, we either make a go of it, or we end everything. I told him this is looking like a friends with benefits relationship, and I was getting hurt. I'm not interested in a relationship with him, without commitment. He got mad at me. I don't get what is up with this guy. He said that when he has a few drinks, he feels more secure and tells me things he normally wouldn't, that he's stubborn and doesn't want anyone to know his true feelings. Then stone cold sober, he denies it all.... Last time, I saved all his texts. I don't want to hurt him, I am willing to end everything because I'm not comfortable with the relationship without commitment. How do I know, I should really end it?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by julz68847 View Post
    How do I know, I should really end it?
    You totally know why you should end it and that is why you've come here. You KNOW you should really end it because it's obvious. Just read back what you've written. The only reason it still goes on is because you bitch about it, he changes nothing but you still allow him sex when he's going to be in your vicinity. All that's missing is the payout when he leaves, really. He doesn't love you (as you know or this thread wouldn't exist) You're not happy being his option (as you know or that question above, wouldn't exist).

    The bottomline here is that you ENABLE him to treat you the way he does. Not only that, you enable him over and over and over again to do the same thing to you. WHY?

    Block and delete ALL OF THEM from being able to contact you. You haven't the strength to just tell him to leave you alone and never contact you again so make it so he/they can't reach you. He doesn't love you.. he certainly likes the freedom and sex you provide though.

    P.S. I suggest you Tell him you're done so that you close the door for good.. then block and delete him from being able to contact you. If he wanted you, he'd have made it happen by now... But, you knew that.
    Last edited by Wakeup; 15-03-12 at 03:13 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Purto Rico
    hes a dick, end it. close your vag also now.

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