I met this guy in college. We were talking for 1 month. We started talking because he drunk texted me one night telling me he thought I was cute and I answered telling him the same thing. We had 3 classes together so we'd hang out between class 2 days a week. We flirted, waited for each other after class. I was so giggly and always smiling around him. I blushed a lot, so I was sure he noticed. We made plans to hang out, but he worked a lot and it was around exam time so we didn't get to. He had an injury, so I'd write papers for him so he wouldn't fail any classes because he was absent a lot. He paid me to do it.

He started calling me “hun” in texts so I did the same to show him I felt the same. He even told me he through a text once that he wanted to kiss me and I told him I wouldn't mind that. (If a guy is comfortable enough saying things like that, doesn't it seem he's pretty confident you like him?)We were texting one night and I actually said “I like you.” A week or so later he asked if I wanted to register for class with him 2nd semester so we could hang out more often and I said yes. The last week before we got out of school for Christmas break we went to lunch after school and he paid for me and I let him. When we were at lunch I told him about this guy I went to prom with who has a Jeep. This guy also has a Jeep. So he said, “oh, so you've got a thing for guys with Jeeps?” I thought by saying that he was basically saying he knew I liked him. Later that day I told him not to worry about paying me for his papers anymore because I didn't feel right taking his money. On the last day of class I waited 45 minutes for him just to say goodbye and when he saw me he smiled and said “you waited for ME?”

I called him the next week and told him what day we could register for classes together. We met up and I brought him Christmas cookies. We talked for a little while. He mentioned how he was going to see his friends from high school and his ex. He said they were still good friends, but they fight and it's kinda awkward. Before we left he hugged me. It wasn't like how my regular guy friends hug me. He hugged me like guys who I've been more than friends with.

All of a sudden over break he stopped calling me “hun” in texts. And started calling me these ghetto names like he calls his guy friends. I saw a picture of him and his ex on facebook, but I didn't think anything of it because he said they were still friends.

When we came back to school after Christmas he was still flirting a lot. And I even called him one day to ask him something and he answered "hey you" in this really flirty tone. I asked him about his break and he told me about some stuff and specifically said he was surprised he didn't kill his ex because they fight so much.

We started hanging out after school at his house and we'd lay in his bed and he'd tickle me and flirt and hint at kissing me. A couple weeks later he started calling me “friend” all the time and out of nowhere, mentioned his ex and said she'd be pissed if she knew he was hanging out with a friend who's a girl. I couldn't believe he was friend zoning me, so I asked him what they were. He said “just friends, kinda best friends, but we're not really talking right now.” He said he still cared about her because they were each other's first, but she hurt him because she cheated on him a year ago and that's why they broke up. Then he said he thinks she might even feel guilty now for what she did. We went to his house after this and he laid really close to me and said “I really wanna kiss you, but I don't wanna lead you on.” I had no idea what to say, so I said nothing.

The next week all of a sudden he started asking me to hang out more, text him more, and he was talking about my looks, so I thought maybe he chose me. But, the week after that he was absent from class. It turns out a mutual friend of his and his ex's died and they went to the funeral together and hung out for an entire week while she was in town. He said they smoked pot together and said a bunch of crazy stuff about how they should get married some day and within a couple days, they were officially back together. When he told me they were back together he waited til we were alone to say anything, so I think he knew how I was going to react. I told him how much he hurt me and how he wouldn't have had to kiss me to lead me on because he's been doing that for months. He said he knew it was wrong and shouldn't have. He kept trying to defend himself and said “I tried with you. I liked you, but sometimes I wondered.” I kept thinking how that couldn't possibly be true because of all the time we spent together, registering for classes, flirting, everything I did for him so he wouldn't fail 1st semester. He apologized, said he felt like a jerk and we each left. That night, he made his relationship facebook official and of course, I saw it and was hurt even more.

After everything, all the time I put into being with him every second of every day at school, he got back together with his ex because he "sometimes wondered"?

I've talked this through with my friend and she said she doesn't think there's any way he couldn't have known I liked him.
I think he just saw an opportunity to get back with his ex, and rather than just telling me, he decided since they weren't back together by the time school started again, that he'd just keep me strung along in case things didn't work out with her. It's just so unbelievable because I thought he was such an honest guy. He prides himself on being too nice and having people tell him he's too nice.

But then again, ever since he got back with her he still asks me to write papers for him, he still asks me if he can borrow my notes, and he didn't even buy his school books. I'm pretty sure it's because he figured he'd just borrow from me since we registered for classes together.

I haven't been hanging out with him since he got back with her or asking him to do anything for me. I won't even let him open doors for me anymore. I think it's really bugging him that I don't need him anymore. He's been asking me to hang out all the time. And he gives me this sad face when I turn him down. He even asked me to go on a trip with him and some friends for our next break. He's trying to get me to come to lunch with him everyday after school by saying he wants to buy me lunch to pay me back for writing his papers. He always asks me if I need him to do anything for me. He told me I looked pretty a few days ago. And he still treats me like we're still "talking." He's acting like everything's just fine, like he didn't break my heart.

Yesterday, it was just me and him waiting for class. He goes, "um..could I ask you for relationship advice?" and I just looked at him and said "please don't" and I know I sounded mad still. He said "ok" and got quiet. A couple hours later he told me he's having his 19th birthday party in a couple weeks and really wants me to come. I changed the subject, but he asked me again and I just kept saying I didn't know. Then I said "why? so I can watch you get drunk?" He said he'd probably get pretty wasted, but he still really wanted me to come. He knows I don't drink so he said I don't have to have anything to drink and I can even bring a friend, but he wants me to come.

I think it's really weird that he'd ask me to come considering what he did to me. And what makes it worse is that he told me months ago that when he's drunk he gets really flirty and he was afraid to ever bring me to a party with him because he didn't want to disrespect me by going too far with the flirting when he's drunk....But NOW he'll have me come to a party where he's going to get wasted?? He said he hits on every girl he sees when he's drunk. If he did that to me I think it would be a little inappropriate considering my feelings and considering he has a girlfriend. I don't know if she's coming because she goes to college kinda far away.

After our last class when he asked me about going to the party he asked me if I wanted to go have lunch(like we used to all the time). I told him I was busy and he told me it would only take a few minutes. I kept saying I had errands to run, but he kept saying it and so I went, but I didn't go to his house after. I don't plan on going anywhere else with him ever again. That was THE last time.

I cannot believe I've just written a freaking book here. Sorry guys. I guess I'm kinda venting, but at the same time, kinda asking my question.

So, do you think he knew I liked him? And does it make sense that he's bothered by the fact that I haven't been hanging out with him like a used to because I no longer need him?