Me and this guy I knew from school had a sort of "friends" with benefits thing a while ago when we were both single. Since then he's back with some ex girlfriend who he's still with and I'm dating someone now too. Last month we were taking on Facebook and the conversation went:
Him: Hey you
Me: Hey
Him: How are you?
Me: Good thanks, you?
Him: Good thanks
How's things with the bf?
Me: Fine thanks
Him: Good
What did you used to think about when we slept together?
Me: Erm... I don't know? That was a long time ago.
Him: Ok then. What do you think about our sexual relationship?
Me: I don't know... It was just sex. I don't know what to say.
Him: Ok
Me: Why? What did you think?
*long pause*
Him: The same.
Me: Why do you ask?
Him: Reassurance I guess? That I was good and that you enjoyed being with me?
We met up a few weeks after that and he was very full on. He kissed me actually. I text him the next day and told him I couldn't be his friend anymore when I found out he was moving in with his gf because I didn't think it was fair. We haven't spoken since, he removed me from Facebook. I just found the conversation odd. After our FWB thing was over, every time i told him i was dating someone he'd always say "how's the bf?" and then have this sort of obsession about bringing up the guy i'm dating in every conversation even though he's got a girlfriend. As soon as i changed my relationship status on Facebook he came online and said congratulations, how happy he was for me and all that but then in our next conversation he'd mention our sex life, and that he wanted "us" to have been better than the guy i'm with. I just don't understand why he didn't talk to me first before just cutting contact. We haven't spoken in over a month. Why did he act like that? I miss talking to him in a way but i'm not going to go back because i know he's trouble.