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Thread: Did I mess up? or just thinking about it too much?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2012

    Did I mess up? or just thinking about it too much?

    In short, I think I may have blown my chances with a girl I really admire.

    There is this girl in my computer class, and I sit next to her everyday.
    We are friends but we have only hung out a couple of times (all of them with other people)
    She knows that I like her, I try to flirt with her and make her laugh and whatnot.
    And I think she likes me, or used to at least, she plays with her hair when she talks to me, but can never look me straight in the eye. She gave me a nickname and calls me by that name sometimes. however she is REALLY SHY. It took months to even get this close with her. and we still barely know each other.

    I have asked her out a couple of times, but she does work so it can be troublesome sometimes. but whenever we do go out, its always her AND her friends. I can never get her alone so I can tell her how I feel about her. Is that what she is worried about?

    So anyway, my friend said the other night that I should send her a sweet text message, just to show her that she means something to me. So I sent her a message complimenting her on her smile. Not only did she not text me back, but she was kinda hesitant to talk to me today. I'm afraid that she is angry with me, or that she is trying to to say that she isn't interested in that kind of relationship. But it seems so odd to me, because she flirts with me too, and just by the way she acts around me, I think I can tell that she likes me.

    I feel really bad now, should I say sorry to her?
    Should I ask her if she is even interested?
    Because honestly, I don't want to waste my/her time with this if she only wants to be friends.
    I really like this girl, and she seems to feel the same way based on our conversations, what can I do to fix this?
    Is she just too shy to text back? And that I'm thinking about this too far?
    Should I compliment her again anyway? I thought it would be kind of romantic to text her something I like about her every night before I go to bed.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    It could be as simple an explanation as she didn't get the text or didn't know how to take it. TALK to her, even if only for a second after class and be sure that she hears what you are saying. Don't apologize, unless you said something inappropriate.

    Just my $0.02

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Langley, BC
    You're over-analyzing this. She isn't interested and nothing you have done has changed that. You'll one day (hopefully soon) realize that the only person you can be is yourself. Don't second guess the actions you take to try and get the girl. You complimented her and she didn't even say "thank you". Screw that noise, move to another seat in the class, and hit on a new girl.
    "All is fair in love and war." - Francis Edward Smedley

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