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Thread: girls Is it ok for your boyfriend to vent out our arguments to his bffs?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2011

    girls Is it ok for your boyfriend to vent out our arguments to his bffs?

    Is it ok for your boyfriend to vent out our arguments to his bffs?

    He has 3 girls who are bffs. I find that a bit rather off and intimidating, but I knew them before I knew him. But is it ok for him to vent out to his friends of our arguments just because he is mad at me because it makes me uncomfortable. I don't want them to see me differently like whoa she this kind of girl really? They are his friends and of course they will b siding with him.

    he told his bff I need to get my life together and stop being lazy. meaning finding a job. Why would he go out and vent and say something like that? I am his gf and I have dignity. I don't go and tell my friends he needs to get his act together and do something about it just because I am mad. Now his friend sees me as a person who doesn't try hard, too lazy to find a job, doesn't care about my life, and needs to grow up, and move out of my parents place. It makes me mad that he would tell them our personal issues. To all three of his female bffs... one of them told me that they are pretty close, so he tells her pretty much everything... wut now i have to be careful of what i say or do just so he wont have to vent it out to his bffs?

    i mean if he vent it out to his guy friends I would be like alright its guys talk, they can say w/e they want, but I'm not comfortable with him telling girls our problems.. I only ask my guy friends when I need advice really bad and need their opinions but i try not to make my bf look bad and i usually would start by saying if you had a boyfriend n he got mad... so n so... wut would u do. I don't vent it out like that..

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    I also had anxiety attack since I just started birth control pills. it makes me so emotional.. And his friend is telling me not to be emotional? I can't control it if thats how I feel... that's my feelings... Anyways I got anxiety attack because I found out that he was hanging with them when he was mad at me and I knew he had already told them and was scared that they would talk negatively of me... cuz he dare to post it on fb... I already have markting degree but i'm leanring graphic design to boost up my chances and plus I am more interested in this area.. yet.. she thinks I am not trying hard enough to find a job.. I'm just trying to take care of my school stuff... and my weekend job just ended this on april 1....

    I also worked hard in my studies... he just never saw that or value my studies...
    Last edited by parkbom; 29-04-12 at 08:22 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    He seems like a lot of hard-work and really immature. In short, no he shouldn't be telling these people things that happen between you two. Why are you with him?

    As for the BC Pills it may take some time to find one that doesn't send you crazy. Not all of them make you emotional and it can just be trial and error in the beginning so I suggest trying another one to tackle that issue.
    Some people are drains and some are radiators... Keep clear of the drains and hug the radiators!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Whoa! A young girl who's new to the pill and gets emotional and over thinks things!?!? I don't believe it!!! .

    This is one major " 2 sides to every story" story. You dont tell your friends about relationship details....both good and bad, to your friends? Somehow I don't think it's as bad as you belive. What does your bf say when you discuss all this with him?
    Last edited by surfhb; 29-04-12 at 10:31 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Surrey, BC
    Drama!!! we want no drama!!!

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