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Thread: My boyfriend wants me to prove to him that I love him...?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2011

    My boyfriend wants me to prove to him that I love him...?

    So my boyfriend wants me to prove to him that I love hm. We been dating for almost 3 months now. I mean everything was great. He told me he loved me about 3 weeks after we got together on valentines day. he was hoping I say I love him too, but I did not. he would just always say love you and wait for my response. Like a little after 2 months I told him I love him, but then I wasn't sure then. I just know that I get butterflies in my stomach and hard to breathe when I think of him. I'm starting to fall in love with him, but then it hasn't gotten to a moment where it really strong emotion. Maybe I'm just a difficult person or maybe I don't want to fall in love so easily and end up getting hurt. I don;t know. I just know that he has a place in my heart. Just some of the thing he does that I dislike, like when he gets mad at little things or that he tells his female bffs almost everything which bothers me. he also said the things I do also frustrates him, but we still love each other.

    I don't know what I can do to prove to him that I love him because I never really loved anyone at least not as strongly. I told him before I don't really know what love is because I have not experience or encountered it. It always takes me a long time to actually love a person. I just want to know what I can do to make him feel like I love him. I plan to take him on a vacation on his birthday, but i don't know where since my budget is low, but I definitely want to go on a vacation with him. I thought about catalina island or miami, canada, or mexico like cancun or something. I would love to find a place where theres a lot of sun and oceans where both of us can spend time together enjoying the view. I also do not know what to get for his birthday. Since I' dont have much budget..

    how do you girls or guys prove to your boyfriend or girlfriend that you love them? What do you guys do? I mean not just words but what kinds of actions do you do?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2012
    I dont think here is anything anyone can do to really prove love. The best you can hope for is he will trust you when you say it and see it in the things you do. Love is a feeling and you can't ever prove to anyone that you have a feeling. But you can show him through actions, being thoughtful, caring etc.....which it sounds like you are being. It doesn't matter how much money you spend on things like birthdays etc. if you take him on a vacation that would be lovely, but at the same time you shouldn't need to do that in order for him to feel that you love him. Also, when if he asks you if you love him, be confident in your answer, even if you dont feel that way. If he asks you why you love him, be specific in your answers. Say specific things about him that you like.
    But also know that for some people, no matter what you do or say it is never enough. If that is your boyfriend then that's his problem, not yours. If this happens dont keep trying to do more and more to prove your love. It wont work and will just make you feel really bad...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Surrey, BC
    If you are unsure how you feel and don't know what would be meaningful as a gift, then that means there is no real deep connection between you two. When you fall in love, you damn will know it I'm afraid, it's like being struck in the head with an iron to the point it makes you dizzy. Sorry to say this but getting along with someone and being comfortable with them isn't going to cut it for the long haul, but whatever, just stop worrying about it and just enjoy having a BF until it can't go much further.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Texarkana, AR
    Tell him he has to take it on faith. He believes you or he doesn't. There's nothing you can do to prove it to him, and you don't need to kill yourself (and your spirit) trying.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Anal. It's the only way.
    "Never make someone your priority, when to them you are only an option"

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