Hi guys, me again. If you didn't read my last post a few days ago, this is my situation [url]http://www.loveforum.net/threads/64931-have-i-done-something-wrong[/url]

I saw my girlfriends mum the other day when i was at work, and she asked why we hadn't been spending time together. I said that i was trying but her daughter has said she's too busy. Her mum then said all these things about my gf needing support because she's looking for a new job and has loads of work to do and is helping her dad with his business's accounts. She told me that they both think im a lovely boy and that she is a lovely girl, and that if i truly love her then i shouldnt give up chasing her.

Fast forward to today, and i went to my gf's house to see if she was at home, her mum told me she was at work, and to come back later on. An hour later I got a text from my gf saying she was home from work, gunna nap then had another shift later tonight, so she couldnt see me and that it "wasnt fair on me". she was angry that i'd been to her house and told me i should only go round if she asks to see me. and now she has said she hasnt got that annoyed about not seeing me for 2 weeks, so feels like she's not ready for a relationship as she is so focused on work and her studies. Its her birthday in 3 weeks, but she is leaving on her birthday for a 2 week holiday in spain with her sister.

Any advice on how i can get my girl back? she obviously still likes me because of what her mum said, and she said its a shame she doesnt have enough time to be with someone. She wont answer my calls, and i doubt she will text me much, and she has said not to go to her house, and she wouldnt want me turning up at work.

Someone please give me some help as im in love with this girl