I've never used any sort of forum like this for advice or anything like that, so this is all very very new to me, but I'm at a wits end, and just not entirely sure what to do anymore, and I figure someone might be able to help.

I've been in a relationship with a woman I met for about 10 months now. We're both in our late twenties. Anyways, two problems that we've been having is she doesn't feel challenged enough and that we lack passion. All my passed relationships have been very abusive and negative, so I can't convey my emotions well. I'm not sure how to be entirely passionate which is a problem, because of my past few relationships, I've been put down and stuff for it. So if anyone knows any sort of steps to set me in the right direction that would be great.

She also said she doesn't feel challenged, and I don't know if she means that I'm being too nice about things, or allow myself to be pushed around (I don't feel like I am), or what. I'm just looking for any sort of advice someone can give me. Thanks so much
