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Thread: Need advice-Really torn on No contact

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2012

    Need advice-Really torn on No contact

    Basically, Me and the girl in question had been very good friends for about a year(while she had a boyfriend) before developing into something more;where she eventually cut the relationship;saying she wasnt ready for a new one. A couple of months have passed and despite my feelings for her,we have generally managed to stay close friends although there have been several incidents(sex, kissing etc..) that would suggest otherwise.She has also admitted to me that she is scared that after my feelings disappear I wont care at all about her and thus end up drifting apart to which i shrug and stay silent because I can see the sadness with which she said it.

    Anyway, after returning from an island for 2 weeks, She calls me over and one thing leads to another and we end up doing things again. Thing is(and this has been happening during and ever since the break up), is that everytime we do something she will seem really uncomfortable and will be the one to eventually stop it. I'm ok with it most the time, considering the delicacy of the situation and just let it pass . This time though I lost control and told her I just couldn't face her anymore as a 'friend' and that everytime I see her I'd want something more.I finished by saying it just doesnt work when one person wants one thing and the other person wants another and that I was only being honest with her; that I'd need some time.

    This is not the first time I have proposed not seeing eachother for a while but all the other times one of us gives in after 1 or 2 days and we're all 'fine' again. All the other times it was not done bitterly either; we both accepted it as possibly the right option.. This time however she was in tears and slammed the door in my face, told me to go and **** my self. Later that night I sent her a text telling her I loved her and that I wish she'd understand I cant be the friend she wants me to be. I also told her that I wouldn't remain bitter over this and for her not to get herself down- we havent spoken at all in the week since.

    I might be moving to England after this summer, and am torn apart by the thought of leaving things how they are but I have no idea what to do. I feel like I shouldnt call her because I'm the one who left and going back on my words would be immature, yet I feel like I've truly lost the person who has meant the world to me these past 2 years and am getting deeper and deeper cravings to just call her knowing that theres a chance I won't see her again.

    Sorry about all the reading! I just wanted to explain the nature of the situation. I would appreciate any advice that someone can give and thank you for your time
    Last edited by santeria13; 12-06-12 at 07:09 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    I don't know if I should be given out advice on this subject because I myself is facing exactly the same problem. A gf of 5 years and I broke up and for a whole month we did not contact each other until she contacted me and I tried to keep it short and sweet but 4 months later and we talk everyday. The gf now the ex also does not want to get back together and it drives me mad not talking to her, I always support myself to talk as less as i can with her but sometimes you miss the person so much that you just want to talk to them. You also get the feeling of them having moved on if they do not contact you but all I can say is that if she has made it obvious that she does not want a relationship with you after you have discussed your emotions and feelings to her then I just think that you should stop hurting yourself and being delusional and just try and move on. I know this is easier said than done because you always tell yourself that this person is the greatest thing that has happened to you but if it hasn't been working then it will never work and it's just time to move on with your life and meet someone else. I guess in what I'm writing in this post is also pointed at me and my situation but everyday you will grow stronger and will get use to it. The only thing that I can suggest is that you keep yourself busy and keep your phone away from you to avoid contacting her. Good Luck

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    She doesn't know what she wants. Or she enjoys attention. Or she's just a fruit loop. Either way I'd stay well clear of her. Unless the occasional **** is enough to justify the rest of the crap.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    I feel your pain! My girlfriend of four years ended our relationship. And I get the cravings to call her all the time! She is like a drug I'm addicted to, and I've been cut off cold turkey! In my situation, I've pretty much done all the calling, texting, and emails I can do. Let me tell you, satisfying that craving just makes the pain worse once your cut off from her again!! I know how hard it is to ignore those cravings, but you half to! Trust your instincts, and your clear mind. Not your emotions or cravings!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Best friends come and go. It's only 2 years of your life, seriously, in the grand scheme of things.
    Go to England, enjoy your new opportunities and enjoy meeting new people.
    You have done the right thing by the way. Her exploding at you was simply because you took back the power in the relationship and she didn't like that.
    'People are never perfect but love can be. People waste time looking for the perfect lover rather than creating the perfect love' - Princess Leigh-Cheri from Still Life With Woodpecker.

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