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Thread: Need help, being on a break.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2012

    Need help, being on a break.

    Hello everyone, this is my first post here.

    So me and my girlfriend have been together for over a 10 months and I know I did some mistakes and I've been a little too possessive.
    A few days ago we had a long talk on the phone and it resulted in her wanting a break. She said that the feelings are still there, we didn't have a fight or something to make her think of a break-up. But she said that I'm not confident and I don't trust myself. She said that she wants a one week break with no contact because from the time we were together until now she changed herself a bit for me, her parents and her friends and she said that on the way she somehow lost her true self and she wants to see how she was before and to regain her personality. She said that she's tired of me seeing my mistakes only after making them repeatedly and that this is upsetting her. And she said that I'm the only person in her life that helps her and really cares for her and sees her true self and what she diserves because others see her really different.

    About 3 weeks ago it was my birthday and I told a friend of mine to pick her up because she didn't want to come alone, I had to be on my birthday a few hours before her for preparations. Since then they started hanging out and it bothers me because I know he likes her and he wants to steal her away from me and I told her that and she said that she can handle it on her own. Also I've been overly gelous because of this and I got somehow upset.

    She also said that I get upset really easy and that I shouldn't act like this with my problems. Today a friend of mine said that he saw them both going out and she even checked in on FB that she's with him. She said the break is not for us to see other people, it is only for her to regain her true self and she even told me she's not going to find a prince charming in just one week. She said that we should be one week apart in order to work our problems out and to think about some things in our lives. I told her I don't like breaks and I don't want to see her in one week and to get back together like "being again in a relationship after being single" and she told me it's not like that because we're not breaking up and it's not because we don't love eachother anymore and if she would have wanted a break-up, it would have been done already.

    Also she said that she worked really hard on this relationship and I know we shared a lot of things until now and we love eachother really much.
    I'm really worried about this break though because If I heard she kissed this guy (or the other way around) I would die and I don't want her to use the excuse that we were on a break ... But she said that this break is not for meeting new people. Damn I'm so confused.

    So what I am asking is... what do you think about this guy and I know I've been a little gelous and she told me I suffocate her, but I don't know, how should I act when I see her after the break, what should I ask her, I trust her completely but I really need another oppinion about this because my mind is all over the place and I need to understand even a little bit what she's thinking. Also, should I get worried about them going out? Help me please. ty
    Last edited by Andreww; 13-06-12 at 01:17 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Surrey, BC
    There is nothing positive with your relationship. Her actions speaks volumes....she is testing the waters to see how things go with this guy, before she dumps you. Tip: when they say a "break" that's a cowards way to slowly end a relationship.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Yes but she said that she only wants this break to see how she was before. And I know her and if she would have wanted a break-up she would have done it already, not just asking for a break. Also I know she still loves me and cares for me, the love is not gone at all because I'm a really important person in her life. Also another friend just saw them leaving the place they went out, they were only there for 40 minutes. she never stays this short unless she gets annoyed or bored, good sign?

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