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Thread: My best friend cheated his girlfriend with me

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Tallinn, Estonia

    My best friend cheated his girlfriend with me

    Hi all, I really could use some advice for I've never been in such a situation before. I have a good friend, we've known each other for years but as he has a girlfriend and a child we don't see that often. And that's fine with me because as he has a family that's how its supposed to be. Now last weekend he called me to ask what I was doing and we ended up meeting. He has his friend along and so did I. We had some drink and walked around the city, as I was getting tipsy at some point he held his hand around me that I would not loose my balance. Thing is I've never fancied him as a guy and for me it has always been friendship only. He usually tells me stuff, the problems he has and so on. So when we ended back at his place (his girlfriend was out of town) it just seemed to be normal. We slept in the same bed but under different blankets so when after some time just trying to fall asleep he made a move on me I was surprised. And regretfully I didn't say 'no' either He went down on me and some heavy petting was involved. I never thought I'd make such a mistake and I feel horrible. First thing in the morning I left. He later apologized to me as well and told me he was embarrased things took a turn like that. I know he is having issues with his girlfriend and I also know he is pretty lazy when it comes to sex (especially when it comes to foreplay) so all in all this whole situation seems quite unreal. I'm still puzzled why I did it because I don't fancy him.
    The saddest thing though is that I know our friendship is now in the akward zone and won't be the same and that what happened can never happen again. I just hope he will get his act together and make an effort to improve his relationship with his girlfriend.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Nice story. What question did you want to ask?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Tallinn, Estonia
    Seems I didn't save the end of the text.. My question is how should I conduct with my friend?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2011
    I just hope he will get his act together and make an effort to improve his relationship with his girlfriend.
    Well it would help if you'd quit sleeping with him when his girlfriend is out of town. *shakes head*

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