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Thread: He's he interested or not?Please people,read this,I really need help!:(

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2012

    He's he interested or not?Please people,read this,I really need help!:(

    I met this guy two days ago,we were introduced by a mutual friend,I had never seen him in my life.He's 31 but seems to be at least 25,I'm 24...I didn't got immediately interested in him,we were at a party,there were a lot of people in there,a lot of noise,etc.. Then,they decided (he plus his other friend and our mutual friend) to go to a pub nearby.I agreed cause I was really tired of being at that party.At that time I hadn't really noticed him.When we arrived at the pub there were only couches to sit in (all connected,not individual) and he and his friend sat side by side then my friend sat at their side and I was at her's.Me and my friend then decided to go get some drinks and to go to the toilet too,when we arrived,they had switched places.There was a space in between them and her other friend made her sit by his side and I had to sit at his side.I found it strange,why would they switch places?Then I started talking to him and we talked about a lot of stuff,it was then that I started to get interesting,you can really hold a conversation with him.The night was going really well,we were talking but my friend wanted to go home cause she was tired and the night ended there.Today they invited us to a gathering at their house,just the four of us,there would be food,music,etc.It was really interesting,at times it seemed he was really paying attention to me,other times it didn't.Then he started playing with my neck,and he never played with my friends neck and they've known each other for much longer than two days.Then we went to a bar and there he was really quiet,but then we two started talking and it was just the two of us talking,the other two were quiet just looking...I know this makes no sense at all,maybe I'm reading too much into stuff...but is it possible that he's interested in me?Or am I just making a big deal out of too much...I tried to find out if he had a girlfriend or someone special but he complained about lack of company at night so I guess he has no one,or maybe he has,oh god,I'm so confused!The only problem is that I'm not experienced in these kind of things.I had two bad experiences,the last one was terrible and it's still affecting me so I don't know how to deal with this kind of stuff.Of course I'm not in love,but I'm interested,he's a really interesting person and I feel so good when I'm with him and when we're talking and I've never felt that with anyone during my whole life.There's other problem as well.I don't have any kind of connection with him,only my female friend and she only hangs around with them from time to time.This means I don't have many chances of being with him...What do I do?Do I pursue it?Do I forget it?Should I try to contact him?If so,how?I think if he had any interest in me he would have already asked my friend for my phone number,right?When we were together I played around with my phone so much just to see if he would ask for my number...He's not interested right?Oh gosh...I'm sorry if I sound like a teenager and If my post doesn't make any sense at all,I'm going through a really had time in my life right now (not because of this of course) and can't even think straight.I just really would like to know the opinions from the people who are on the outside,specially men.He's he interested or he was just being nice?Maybe it's my age,maybe he thinks I'm too young...I would really appreciate some help (women are welcome too of course) Thank you and I'm sorry about my confusing post but that's the state my minds in.Please people,give me some help,I don't want to end up heartbroken,I'm going through therapy right now and it would suck if this ruined everything

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Surrey, BC
    Well whatever reason you are going through therapy for, don't you think it would be best to focus on that instead of this guy? Getting involved with him may jeopardize any progress you and your therapist are trying to achieve...does that make any sense? Your emotional involvement is already causing you confusion and unease so it would be wise to leave it for now....maybe even bring it up with your therapist.

    Just tell your friend that you have an interest in this guy, but right now it is not good for you to be pursuing anything at this time.

    Sometimes when a person is going through a tough time like dealing with a death, a loss of a relationship, or loss of their job, they tend to shift their attention to someone that gives them attention. What they are doing is emotionally escaping from their problems, and are blinded and don't see the real reasons why they are doing it. Whatever you are going through could be the causing you to be interested in this guy. Being emotionally weakened just amplifies your desire for this person. Once you clear your head and go through your therapy, you may realize this and be glad you didn't get too involved because you were in a vulnerable state.
    Last edited by smackie9; 18-06-12 at 12:48 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    The key is to let go of your desires. Otherwise they obsess you, take all your energy and "eff" things up. Trust me. Just let it go and don't care. Be happy in this very moment exactly as it is and all the happiness and love will be drawn to you like a magnet. You can't pretend though, you really really have to let go of all desires.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    I have to agree with Smacki and Heyjude. You have a lot on your plate and don't need to be obsessing about stuff like this right now. Turning all of your energy into a relationship with a person like this is a bad idea. You will then start obsessing about the meaning behind contact such as texts and calls and start thinking about what is going to happen and what is he thinking, etc. I know because I have been there. When you are healthy enough to be in a relationship where you can be yourself and not worry so much, it will be a better fit for you. He maybe thinking that you didn't ask for his number because you aren't interested too. You never know. Let him do the work here. Take a step back, breathe, and don't work on it. If he is really interested, he will make a move. That's how I feel.

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