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Thread: He broke up with me but keeps contacting me. Help??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    He broke up with me but keeps contacting me. Help??

    Hi guys,

    A few months back, my boyfriend ended our year-long relationship because he was moving abroad to study for a few months. I was devastated as I loved him very much. I know the real reason for it is that he wanted to go away and not feel guilty about me. For the past few months I've still spoken to him and he's always still told me he loves me and misses me, but recently I've found this too much to handle as I know he has no intention of getting back with me. I told him this and asked him to stop as I don't feel it's fair. He said 'But I do still love you', to which I replied 'If you really loved me and wanted me, you wouldn't have broken it off.'

    However, he can't accept this. I asked him to leave me alone so as I can move on, but he doesn't want me to. He insists we have a future together, but I'm not prepared to wait around for someone who won't give me their all here and now, despite the circumstances. I feel that responding to him is giving him what he wants and allowing him to have his cake and eat it too, so to speak. He has the freedom and still has me at the same time - it's just not fair.

    I feel guilty everytime I don't answer him, as he still keeps messaging me, even though I know I shouldn't. I haven't replied for a few days, but it's hard. I just think it's time to start giving some consideration to my own feelings for a change, but he just can't let me move on. I think he finds it hard to not have contact with me, as I was always a huge source of emotional support for him. He feels lonely without me. Is he just being selfish? I just don't want to feel hurt and taken for granted anymore.

    Any advice, please?!


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    At this point I wouldn't trust him anyway. If he broke up with you so that he can be free while he is abroad, I wouldn't trust that even if he didn't want to lose you, and asked that you stay together while he is away.. I wouldn't trust that he would be faithful after this. Sorry to say it, but I do think its time you let go and move on. Don't answer the calls, block the facebook, etc. At this point you need to MAKE him get the hint.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by doodie182 View Post
    He feels lonely without me.
    Well tough shit for him. Selfish stupid idiot. Don't reply to him - he is a class 1 dickhead.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Surrey, BC
    Ya you need to think of yourself. If he is that much of a puss then too frickin bad....it's not your problem. You stay strong. Delete everything, block him, no contact.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Purto Rico
    screw him, when you end shit its done. shut him down. i dump a girl im done, i dont talk anymore, girl dumps me she dont talk no more thats the story.

    work on yourself...tuff shit to him. sounds like he has pussyitious

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