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Thread: Met up with an old friend and feelings come flooding back

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    Met up with an old friend and feelings come flooding back

    So there was this girl who I lived with in my first year at uni (with 9 other people as well). We always got on really well and I liked her from the off but she had a bf. I transffered uni from my second and third year to the otherside of the country (better education). We kept in touch via text and the occasional Facebook message, she would sometimes ring me if she had major issues.

    I am now back from uni and we both live quite close to eachother. When texting her the other day we realised we would be on a night out in the same club so arranged to meet. When I met up with her it was obviously difficult to talk and I only stayed with her for 10 mins as I had to get back to my friends. She paid me a couple of compliments saying I looked good and smelt nice. Then when I left her, 5 mins later I got a text saying "miss you xxx"

    I was thinking about texting her asking to meet up on Friday for a proper catch up and seeing how things go. My only worry is I dont want to see her again and have all these feelings come back again if there really is no chance of anything happening. Based on my last meeting do you think I have a chance? Should I leave it longer to text her? She does have more male friends than female so thats a bit of a worry for me.

    Any advice on the topic would be great.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Surrey, BC
    If you live life not taking risks, you will have many missed opportunities and "what if's". Do you not think this is worth the risk? I say there is a good chance she really likes you. Ask her out but keep it cool, don't get all mushy, or too pushy with excitement. Make her work at getting your attention for the first little while and see where it takes you. Let things "build up" first before investing your true feelings for her. Smile lots, good eye contact, and have confidence. Have fun on your date....just remember to let her know that it's a "date" and not just hanging out.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Go for it. She wants to see you...she said "Miss you xxx". And yes, like Smakie says make sure she knows it's a date...just tell her hey will go out of a date with me? that way the tone is set.

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