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Thread: Falling for this girl who is already taken.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    Falling for this girl who is already taken.

    I like this girl a lot. she literally has everything i'm looking for in a girlfriend. Shes outgoing, passionate, and shes gorgeous. but thats just the icing on the cake to me. her personality is what really pulls me in. as for me? i'm totally opposite. i'm still trying to get my stuff together (school, career, my own independence). we're pretty much OPPOSITES. but heres a brief background about me and her. we've hung out a lot over the past couple of months. every time we've spoken, she's been the one to contact first. every time we've hung out she's been the one to ask me out first. she's literally done 90% of the reaching out to contact or hangout with me. I definitely feel like theres a mutual interest between us. but the thing is, every time we've hung out its been with her best friend. its like a trio, never 1 on 1. I recently told her about a very personal topic (life threatening illness) in my life and she did the same and we had like a really good bonding moment from that on how we were able to relate. she ended up tearing up after hearing my story and how it was similar to hers. she told me the following day she didn't think she would cry in front of me so early into our friendship. she also told me she knew there was something "special" in me that she knew was brewing inside of me that got her attention. reason why she was the one to actually start our "friendship" in the beginning. majority of the time when we hang out theres a lot of laughter and just overall a good time. we planned out a first date and she would text me things like "omg im so exciiiited" "I cant waitttt" etc. I also brought up my ex girlfriend in one of our hangouts and she asked me if i'm still dating her. and how old she was etc. because my ex was 21 and the girl I'm speaking too is 21 as well and im 25. so she said "oh alright so she was a bit younger than you...." maybe realized i would go out with her since ive dated a girl her age?

    BUT HERES THE CATCH. SHE HAS A BOYFRIEND that lives 4 hours away from us. he is a well set off guy. he has a good job, the money, entertaining hobbies. he's like the "whole package" kinda guy. and she speaks very highly of his lifestyle and his well paying job. all the material stuff. This is where I get thrown off. I try to not look upset or look like i get annoyed when his name gets brought up. But i'm getting so many mixed signals. So back to her boyfriend. i feel like i CANNOT COMPETE with someone so well off cause I have NONE of those things he has to offer besides WHO I AM. So i've been playing the friend card and being there for her. but at the same time i feel like I'm falling for this girl the more i hang out with her. i'm planning on asking her in more detail about her boyfriend when we do hang out 1 on 1. should I tell her how i feel? or just play the friend card and roll with it?
    Last edited by Ron1; 08-10-12 at 12:43 AM.

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