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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2005


    I am dating a girl...we have met only 6 times until now. Last weekende we were deeply kissing..and after sometime she suddenly asked me...will you leave me after 2-3 years, will you not marry me? I was shocked to hear that!!!

    I candidly told her that I like her, but I have different future plans and cannot marry her (which is true). I also told her i am only interested in dating her if she is comfortable with it.

    She said she will think about it and get back to me...but i could see her face (not happy). I felt bad about our dating then. She later replied me back saying she really likes me and wants to continue dating and just enjoy each other's company.

    I am meeting her tomorrow...but now i am very concerned about dating her ...what if we go physical and she starts questioning me again saying how could we do it without having serious relationship.

    Any suggestions guys and girls? Should I gradually stop meeting her, or keep continuing? Girls, you may have good idea on these kinda things and tell me what exactly is rolling on her mind. please help me!

    sorry for long post!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    maybe she had before you a bad experience and now sheīs afraid about love
    or maybe she really likes the idea of getting married and thatīs what she wantīs to get, and If you donīt think like her you canīt fill her so much

    donīt know.. love is so complicated...
    Y morirme contigo si te matas, y matarme contigo si te mueres,
    porque el amor cuando no muere mata, porque amores que matan nunca mueren

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    GiantFigure----"will you leave me after 2-3 years, will you not marry me? I was shocked to hear that!!!"

    Yeah, I'de be shocked too. It sounds like she's on a hunt for a commitment...and fast. She doesn't want to waste time and therefore jumps yards ahead by asking you that question.

    You don't have to promise her anything. It's only been 6 dates. Just don't use her for sex. She might go ballistic later when you break up.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Melbourne, Aus
    i think hada is right.........maybe she had a bad xperrience b4

    be patient

    Are there no prisons? Are there no workhouses? - The Ghost of Christmas Past

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Chlorine
    You don't have to promise her anything. It's only been 6 dates. Just don't use her for sex. She might go ballistic later when you break up.
    yeah she is 24 and so I guess she is looking for committments asap! I did tell her
    I am not into committment. We are still meeting and did have some love-making too. As you rightly said..I think I should not have sex with her...and also slowly make a distance from her.
    I am thinking I would find a new girl who is only into dating alike me.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Down Under
    i think you should set her straight...ur going about it the wrong way...if you dont wanna committ...tell her, don't waste her time because u never know she could be a serial killer or some shit...if your gonna make distance...dont make distance slowly just tell her you don't wanna see her...ur just stuffing her around...no one likes that
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  7. #7
    bluesummer's Avatar
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    I have some very Christian friends who are like that. They just tell the guy straight up that they are not into dating for casual purposes, but for commitment purposes, and won't date unless that guy has intentions of marriage. Freaky shit. Of course, no one else will date them, so they end up marrying somebody from their church they've been seeing for two months. Your girl friend here isn't Christian is she?

    Honestly, even if this girl says she is cool with the whole casual dating thing, my guess is she probably thinks she can 'win you over'. Prove it by breaking up with her and watching how badly she freaks out.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by bluesummer
    Your girl friend here isn't Christian is she?

    Honestly, even if this girl says she is cool with the whole casual dating thing, my guess is she probably thinks she can 'win you over'. Prove it by breaking up with her and watching how badly she freaks out.
    She is not christian.

    I also have the same feeling. I guess she is trying to win over me. Yesterday she put all her family history to me..and asked me the same. It bothered me a little...why would someone discuss family into so much of depth, when we are dating and are not into serious relationship.

    I think it's time to break with her...wondering how would I react if she freaks out badly!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Giantfigure----Family history eh? She's got a mental list of things she's looking for. Facts. Slowly ticking them off one by one.......

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