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Thread: what should i do.. please help..

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2005

    what should i do.. please help..

    Hi. I'm new here but Ive seem many others post their problems in this section. If my friendly l-f members would read and leave some advice, I'll really appreciate it.

    Heres my story:

    I fell in love with this girl and I realized she loved me also. We started dating 2 months ago n everything was going great.I dumped my last girlfriend not only because she lied to me, but also because we're in different schools. I hope this doesnt offend anymore but I dont believe different school/distant relationships work out that well. I dont even know what she does in school. Now I have this great girlfriend named Helen. Oh btw I'm azn so my parents are crazy and stuff about having gf/bfs. Shes in my school, my class and we started talking about 3 months ago. After 1 month of knowing her, I started to date her[take her to movies.. took her over to my house..etc] We met everyday and did hw together, everything together. My life was going great. until my parents assumed Helen was "bad". By "bad" he means she might influence me into doing poorly in school [which is... incorrect because she gets the same grades as me usually. I get 90+ in my report card]. I lend her my cellphone, my ecko hoodie so she'll be able to call me when her sister takes over the computer[she doesnt have dsl or cable]. Now my parents are taking action. They commanded me to take back the stuff and told me not to be friends with her. My parents are a bit racist... My girlfriend Helen is fujianese and I'm cantonese [15 years old only]. 2 weeks ago they got me very mad so I broke down the closet door, causing my neighbors to get terrified and police asked what happened. A week after that, My mom and dad started talking about how helen was bad. I was like wtf.. u dont even know her so why judge her like that.. I believe what I did was right. This is pretty embarrassing but I cried a few times this week [im 15 -.-] pretty sad huh. I was fighting for me and helen's relationship... So they kept lecturing and yelling at me and threatened to call the cops on me if I dont break up with her. I refused because I believe my parents shouldnt have control of my personal life. Ive been getting numerous headaches and my grades are getting worse because of my parents. One night, they got me pretty pissed off.. so I destroyed my whole room [ my wooden desk was broken in half, my bed was flipped over, basicially everything was destroyed]. They called the cops. They went down to the police station and researched on Helen. My parents got Helens home phone number , address, apt #, everything. I was furious and cried for the whole night, sleeping at 4am. Theyre ruining my life. The next day, my parents called Helens parents and told Helens parentsMANY MANY LIES. parents told her parents that I had 4 past relationships, that helen was arrested 2 times, told helens parents that my grades were dropping because of helen, and told her mom that we should not be friends at all. I was furious. I could barely breathe when they told me that, I had to take 2 tylenol pills to calm myself down. I got mad. They tried to call the cops to arrest me because they think I was gonna hit them but I wouldnt. I would wait for them to hit me[child abuse?]. Now, Helen can barely contact me and its spring break. I got my hoodie and my celly back and her parents told helen not to meet with me anymore. I promised Helen that we would be together forever, get married, have a great family and she promised me as well. Im really looking for solutions to solve this problem so both our entire family will agree and be happy about it. Can anyone ANYONE please leave just some advice?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    i feel sorry man, sad store, how old r u man? and let me know where u live

  3. #3
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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    I'm 15 , almost 16 and I live in New York

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Down Under
    i had a similar problem with my parents...minus the racism...i was dating this guy 4 years older than me and my dad stopped me from seeing him...except we went behind his back of course...it was hard and we eventually broke up but thats not the point...instead of trashing ur room sit down and have a civil conversation with them...dont ask them MAKE them understand that you're in love with her and she's not a bad person...its wrong that they should discriminate and i realise u live in New York but in Australia parents who call the cops on their children don't usually get the result they are looking for...unless you've done something incredulous then there's nothing they can do...you're parents should be working with you...not trying to put you in prison...
    ...Here's A Letter On A Tape, We Don't Write Anymore...

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