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Thread: I am in need of your help guys... Please find it in your heart to heed?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2005

    I am in need of your help guys... Please find it in your heart to heed?

    I've known this girl for 2 years of my life. I always liked her but she had always been the more "conservative" type. I respected that. I spent 2 years of my life seeing her everyday and hiding my true feelings for her inside. Until one day i couldn't take it anymore so i told her during lunch period in my high school. I wrote her a letter stating how i've felt about her for the past two years of our life and i told her how much I liked her. I've been out with other girls in my life but guys to tell you the truth i really liked this girl. Not enough to say I LOVE HER. But guys i liked her with all of my heart and I'd do anything for her.... And so she said yes she would go out with me... And so the story begins....

    Since day 1 that we began to go out I noticed that she was awfully shy when she was with me, maybe because i was her first boyfriend. She would find it wrong if i ever tried to hug her or hold her hand... and so I respected this barrier she built and became somewhat "Immune" to it. I literally walked thousands of miles mentally to be with her, i would lie to my parents just to see her and her friends would always butt in our conversations both in school and out of school. MAny times i confronted her about this problem and she stated that "She coulnd't sell oiut her friends for me" to which i always reploed "dont sell them out just realize that if you spend like 20 hours with them a week... please find it ok and reasonable to spend even 15 minutes with your boyfriend..." she would stay quiet... She would never spend time alone with me... She would always call her friends to walk with us, and etc etc. This was a one month relationship and she cut it off last week when she told me that i was doing soo much for her and she was scared that she couldnt give me as much. I didn't care.... I told her "I dont care if you dont hug me or kiss me or hold my hand, i just care about being with you, cant you realize that?" I truly meant it.... I really did enjoy her being with me and realizing that eveyrthing was fine... No hug, no kiss, no hand could express my emotions for her. I would buy her chocolates and flowers every week for her one week anniversary. I would respect her friends, i would never try to kiss her or anything... EVerything was her way or no way. But she was the sweetest girl i've ever met. I really liked her guys, i've been out with my share of girls and i really liked her with all of my heart. I just cant belive why she blew it off with me over a stupid excuse like "You are being sad over me" i dont like it... I dont understand it..." SHe told me that ever since i began to go out with her i would always be sad and depressed but it wasn't it. She also said that she wanted me to be "happy" but i dont realize her actions....

    Should I move on? How should I move on? This hurts me everyday guys.... Just the thought of her is overwhelming my conscience... How do i stop thinking ab out her?..... THanks for your time guys i really appreciate it... God bless.....

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Ive been in a relationship where my gf has been the one which would do anything for me and i was too young and never did much for her, i ended up finishing it which i knew really hurt her. But for me when i was with someone that was like that i found i didnt really want to be with them - stupid i know.

    Ive also just been in a relationship where it was the other way round, the whole thing caused me a lot of pain, and then she finished it and im finding it very hard to get over her. I would do anything for her and she was always letting me down, always her friends came first and i was never one of her priorities.
    It seems similar to your situation and people have told me to accept it, that she wasnt looking for a relationship. I dont know how to move on but i suppose its just a question of time and learning from it. Your only young and its not the end of the world.

    Thats all i can say im afraid as i dont know any better myself. Good luck and i hope it works out, you will be ok.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    I hate people who put their friends first...FAWK FRIENDS! they will stab in the back one day. I dont know ..your situation is wierd....really...I dont know..Something is making her un-interested in you and you should find out what.
    "Why are you an atheist?"
    "because I paid attention in science class."

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