Hey guys. If you want to start from the beginning of this story, read my original post, Curious in Chicago. Anyways, my ex dumped me about 2.5 months ago. It's been rough and I miss her like all hell. We chat maybe once or twice a week on the phone but it is never about us. Usually the same BS about work and stuff like that. I want to go see her but she is not ready. At least that is what she says. Anyways, i'm getting to the point where I don't want to call her anymore I want her to miss me, if that is an option, and ask me how I'm doing and why haven't I been calling. If I stop calling, but accept her calls, what do i say to her if she asks me why I've stopped calling? I don't want to lie to her and say that I'm doing great and didn't feel the need. For all the ladies out there, do you think it may help to spark her interest in me again and wonder why I no longer call? We are both very considerate of each other's feelings and I like to think that she would tell me the truth about anything I would ask her. I don't want to sound desperate which is pretty much how I've been sounding since the break. Questions like, do you miss me? when can I see you again? So basically if I do a 180, will this help? Let me know