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Thread: Boyfriend doesn't have time for me - I'm sure some can identify

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    Boyfriend doesn't have time for me - I'm sure some can identify

    Hi All,

    I've been with my boyfriend for 5 years (we're 20/22) and he works a lot being self employed, not full time but from 7am - 10pm every day, I'm lucky to get a Sunday afternoon and even then he stays for a few hours and that's it. This has been going on a long time like, the past year or so but I stuck it out because I want it to work. As of now I have only seen him once in this past month and that was meeting at a club for 5 mins, arguing because he was more focused on getting his 'friend' home whereas I was left to walk home at 2am myself. We went on holiday for 2 weeks and he talked about going home for the first week, for me to wake up to the question 'how angry would you be if I booked a flight home today?' and then proceeded to tell me that he had and was leaving for an 11hr flight home at 12pm that day. After this I got upset and we argued until he eventually didn't make his flight home. I just don't know what else I can do to attempt to get him to spend more time with me, or even care that he doesn't get the chance to.

    Another issue which is relevant is the fact that other people have been trying their damndest to split us up for basically the whole time we've been together, I'd need to compile a list: his 'friend' and a brother - who call me stupid (I'm an engineer), slut (It was 3 years before we slept together) and a tramp (yeah right!), his dad - who resents the fact that he stopped working for him as much (where he got no wages or thanks for the work he did) since he got with me, also hates the fact that I have the confidence to question things that I disagree with which is 'not what a woman should do'. His auntie - who argued with me in front of a group of 10 people when I was 17 about how I wasn't good enough (she's 50-odd). I know that all sounds ridiculous but he doesn't defend me, when he tries to he gets silent treatment from his family so he gives up, my family love my boyfriend but the people in his life drive a huge wedge between us.

    Sorry if it's long, posts can turn into rants!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    You two r very young. I think it's time to let him go. At your age, it's good to focus on school and work instead of a relationship. I think what he is doing is good. Work lots, save up money or pay off loans, relationship will come later down the road. As for the family, don't expect someone to tell his parents off. They are his family, u r only his gf.

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