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Thread: Very puzzling

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    Very puzzling

    Hello everyone,

    Something happened to me last week that is still bothering me and I just can’t understand it.
    I’d like to hear if anyone has an explanation for it.
    A couple of weeks ago I went to my friend’s apartment for lunch. (I’m M she’s F).
    Her new roommate was there and she joined us for lunch.
    She was very very nice and friendly. She asked a lot of questions like she was interested, sat close to me and was basically very welcoming and comfortable.
    Like I said, I don’t know her and it’s possible she’s like that with everybody.
    Anyway, we were there for about 5 hours and had a good time. We have a LOT in common.
    It was until I was about to leave that she said something that got me to realize I’m into her.
    I didn't ask her out or got her number because there were other people and it wasn't right.
    So I added her on FB a few days later, and no reply. I cancelled the friend request after 3 days for some reason. I thought maybe she was away and didn’t see (though unlikely) and so I sent her a message saying hey and asking her how’s it going, that’s it. She saw it after a few hours and did not respond. That was 2 days ago.
    So this is what’s bothering me: It happens a thousand times a day I’m sure that people are ignoring others on FB, that’s nothing unusual. It happened to be before, and I've done it to others before.
    The thing is that she knows me. We spend an entire afternoon together, it’s not like I’m someone she doesn't know.
    Also, a lot of girls (or guys) can be snobby or rude or simple don’t give a damn and completely ignore a message. They can also forget. But like I said, She’s really really nice. Extraordinarily nice, she’s not one of the girls to do that, I’m sure of it. I know her type.
    So why would she completely ignore me twice??
    I’m completely open to the idea that she’s not in to me like I’m into her. Even though that’s not the vibe I got from her at first. She kept close to me, asked me about my past, my family, said she’s impressed with things I've done.. I was sure she’d be happy I found her on FB.
    But let’s take the complete opposite; let’s say she thinks I’m a total loser, even then I don’t understand why she would totally ignore me. Even a pity comment. I have hot friends that are nice to losers that they met once.
    So what bothers me more than the fact she’s not into me, is the fact that she’s completely ignoring me. For all I know she can be a lesbian, or in a relationship or just not like me, but not even to tell me “I’m good, how are you?”
    Again, she’s a very nice person. This doesn't make any sense to me..
    Any one can think why?
    It’s really bugging me.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Maybe she has a controlling bf who she doesn't want to get upset so she ignores u. Take her hints and don't bug her n e more. Period.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Would you get the message if she smacked you in the face with a big piece of timber?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    It's perfectly normal for one not to be interested, I don't need a timber to my face.
    But she's roommates with a close friend of mine. I'm gonna see her again at times. I'm probably gonna see her in a couple of weeks at my friends bday. It just doesn't make sense that she'll diss like that, after a pleasant talk.
    Last edited by Shefi; 01-11-12 at 08:16 AM.

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