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Thread: Jelous of my best friend over my girlfriend

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2012

    Jelous of my best friend over my girlfriend

    Its about my girlfriensd. Well from the start its been almost one year we are going out...in the first year of college we used to go out and her friends became mine and some of my friends became hers....but my best friend did not because he did not socialise much....the in the second year i got them to be friends...the thing here is that evan till today my best friend is loyal and truthful and he has a really clean mind and he takes my girlfriend as a friend and a sister...and on the other hand so is my girlfriend...she takes him as a close brother and i know her for a year and untill today we have never faught really badly and always discuss the problems....but recently...ive started feeling extra possessive about my gf...and startd producing jelous feelings of my best friend...i trust both of them and i was originally the one who wanted them to be friends and still do but ive started feeling uncomfortable as they have become alot frank with each other...my girlfriend sometimes notices and keeps telling me with deep messages she loves me and i believe her but why do i keep getting these feelings when i trust both shes my one and only girl who i will marry one day....can you please help these feelings are killing me and i dont tell anyone about them not evan my girlfriend openly because she never had a brother and my best friend has become a really close brother for her and she thanks me for it....bt i still get these feelings i dont want plz help

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Langley, BC
    You need to talk to your girlfriend, if they're unfounded/irrational fears then speaking to her might help the situation. That is the simple answer, just tell her the truth.
    "All is fair in love and war." - Francis Edward Smedley

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    What are they doing that is making you so uncomfortable? Are they hanging out a lot without you? Do they ignore you or leave you out when the three of you are together? Or are you just jealous because they have things in common you don't share with them?

    If they're being inappropriate when they're together or leaving you out when you're around then you might have some justifiable concerns. In any situation, your friend should be respectful of your relationship...and maybe he needs to back off (despite what he says about having good intentions).

    Personally, I'd find it pretty weird to be hanging out with my boyfriend's best friend without my boyfriend there. Most of my friends are men and I get along with them much better - but I still wouldn't ever try and create or maintain a close friendship with one of my boyfriend's male friends... I dunno why, that just seems inappropriate. It would be weird too because then if we did break up, that friend would be caught in the middle.

    I think that when we started dating - all of my boyfriend's male friends started seeing me with a big fat hairy mole on the tip of my nose... I'm off limits, and as far as they should be concerned "un-****able". Hopefully your bestie feels the same way about your girl.

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