Hi, i never thought i would register onto a forum to talk about my love life, but i am extremely depressed and confused at the moment. I don't know what to do with myself, i feel as if i could die right now.

Here's the situation.
I have been with my "ex' Girlfriend for over 4 years. Currently i am 18 years old and she is 19 years old. With that being said, we have been together at a really young age and have grew and developed together. Throughout the relationship we both on different occurrences have felt the need to "explore" and to see what else is out there. Especially me, i have felt the need to flirt and talk with other girls just for the heck of it. We have been through many rough patches together and we previously have discussed this. Because we have been together so long we had taken a few breaks throughout the 4 years to try and "explore' and find yourself and we always end up getting back together because we just have so many feelings together that we don't want to let go.

Now after over four years, she decides she seriously wants to take time off. She does not want to be friends with me anymore and wants to have no contact with me for at least awhile she says. Shortly after our breakup, she is seeing someone else. I am not mad at that fact because she feels like she longer wants to be tied down and wants to live her life to the fullest. She wants to explore and experience the world.

I need some advice on what to do.. I really love her and i cant find the will to let it all go, is it a selfish thing to try and be there for her even though she doesn't want me to be? I know with me being there, it may complicate her current relationship which she really wants.

I am not mad because I understand what she is going through, at such a young age i can understand why she wants to explore other options.

Should i be worried, people are telling me that even after having no contact for months on months, that if it is true love, she will come back to me eventually.

Please give me some advice