
I've been searching all over the internet for some answers on how to make up with your ex-girlfriend but I always end up with the question: will this work for me? Because I think every relationship in unique and therefore I do not really believe in a 'one solution - fix all' method. I would like to talk to one of these 'lovedoctors' to tell my particular story but that'll cost me money which I can't quite afford. Not that getting back with her isn't worth anything, but still... I must be sure it'll work for me before I throw money at it. So here's my story, maybe someone here can help me out a bit:

I've met this amazing woman about six months ago. We started talking and we realised we really connected well from the very beginning. She was dumped by her husband several months earlier. He left her with 4 children. Anyway, we really got along well and feelings grew as we went on. We fell in love and started a relationship. All went very well at first and I really did well with her children as well. But after two months she started to make some distance and I felt like I was losing her.. She asked me to give her some space but instead of giving her, I only clung to her and choked her. I know I made this mistake and I blame myself for not realising at the time what I was doing. She said she didn't know where her head was anymore and that she needed some time on her own. She is now, I guess, recovering from her own past and dealing with these issues. She said that she does not have the time or energy for me now to give me the love I deserve. I must say that we started our relationship as a 'long distance realtionship' but I made the mistake of giving (or losing) myself completely, which I think she couldn't cope with anymore.. I love her so much because she's really an amazing woman and I want to be there for her, loving her but giving her the space she needs. And I already told her that but she's scared that I'll always be too dependant. I must admit that I was very dependant but I learned that I should've had more trust in her and her feelings at the time. She also said that although she still has feelings for me she first needs to work on herself. I understand that and I'm ok with that but is that the real reason? Is she telling the truth? What to do? 'Let me go', she said. At first I couldn't and I kept doing all the wrong things but now I finally have. I broke all contact with her now, at least for awhile, and I'm giving her the time and space she needs so desperatly, but does anyone think there's a chance that I'll win her back someday? I just can't think straight right now.. Thank you.