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Thread: Dating a Separated Man who left me and went back to his wife and kids... help :(

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2012

    Dating a Separated Man who left me and went back to his wife and kids... help :(

    I met a man through my work who i instantly had a connection with the first time we met, he felt it too. After the initial meeting we eventually met face to face for a dinner which he asked me out for. We were talking and he told me is Separated with 2 kids, one is 2 yrs old and the other is 6yrs old, that didn't bother me as he told me they were separated. 3 weeks after starting to date this man, i eventually found out that he in fact broke up with his wife and left her and his kids for me and moved out of the family home. I was not aware of this as he told me they were separated before we even met. I fell in love with him and he was deeply in love with me too. For 6 months we would see each other constantly and it felt so real, he would talk so negatively about his wife that she treated him so badly and he wished i was the mother of his kids. I would always say to him, you should go and spend time with your kids and do it regularly, but he didn't want to as his wife became abusive towards him and he didn't want the kids to see it so he kept his distance from the. 6 months down the track, he decides to visit his kids and then he started to feel guilty for leaving his kids as apparently his 6yr old daughter is struggling without him. He is now staying back at the old house with his wife and kids, but he says its because his kids need him and overtime he leaves his daughter feels upset. I am so in love with this man and i know he loves me, he did leave his wife and lived away from her for 6 months but he is back there for the kids sake... I am so confused, can someone please help me with what i should do?
    Thank you

  2. #2
    IndiReloaded's Avatar
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    He didn't leave his wife and kids *for you*. Get over yourself. All that should matter is: he left his wife and kids.

    If he does it to them, he'll do it to you. Here's another goodie: how it starts, is how it will end. You are in for a world of hurt with this selfish guy. Good luck.
    Second thoughts can generally be amended with judicious action; injudicious actions can seldom be recovered with second thoughts.
    --Cyteen by C.J.Cherryh

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Surrey, BC
    This is what happens when a man leaves his wife....he goes back. If things were that bad he would be filing for divorce. When someone cheats, they always down play the marriage/relationship to make it look like they left legitimately. He lied to you in the beginning, I'm gunning that he was lying to you all along. Guys will do and say whatever it takes to get sex. You got sucked in and so did his wife. He got to have his 7 year itch and now she has taken him back.

    Tip: if a guy bad mouths the mother of his children, is estranged from his family, or complains about his past relationships....just keep walking.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    If he's not already divorced, I wouldn't touch it.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    I think u are naive and stupid at a higher level. it would scare me if a
    men leave his wife for me in 3 weeks that we barely know eachother.

    And i want to know why did u keep hanging around him knowing that he is not devorced.
    And that he did not have his life on the rails.

    I can barely believe the story he told u about his wive.
    U r a tipical stupid other woman , and he told u a tipical stupid story abut his wive.

    It can not be attractive for a woman that have self esteem and love herself to be with a men that
    cheat on his wive and that run to u when they have problems at home.
    instead of looking for help or console and in situations that needed, divorce the person.
    Like how attractive is a men that doesnt take responsibility but run instead of that to other woman??

    And if he is not divorced its logical that he will get back to hs wife.
    What ever he told u, u r no kid, so u should have know and think further then your nose that
    all of that is a fantasy and he belongs to his wife.

    Truth is that he is a married men so he is not single.
    Second is u can never win from a wife.
    And he is committed to his family.
    So move on. get a real life! u r not a real victim here!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    I highly doubt he loves you. Just move on, you're single, there's plenty of single guys out there. Start a family of your own.
    ...as ancient astronaut theorists would suggest

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