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Thread: Homewreaker!!!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2005


    Ok I need honest opinions.... I am dreading even telling the story....it bothers me that much!!!

    SUMMARY******************************************* ********

    Me and my daughters father have been together for 7 years on and off. Ex girlfriend (after me) still lerking in the background.

    ************************************************** ********

    Recently me and my daughter father have been really close. We get along, hang out, still sleep together, do alot with our daughter together, this was a choice for us to stay close and be friends...sometimes with benefits.

    Well about the 16th of May...we had a fight...I said some things I wished I haden't and vise versa. Well let me tell you people...never laugh at a person when they are mad...yes that's exactly what he did...just pushed that one last button to get me over the top ...MAD! I ended up telling him, I was "done" that I didn't want our relationship anymore... I was walking away. I was just mad though said somethings, thinking "what an @ss" Well...I needed some time to re group..take a breather... Oh ya He held me to what I said.... "I am done"

    Now this Is the part that makes me furious...It's what...the 29th of May.....guess who is back in his life...yup..."the other EX" WOW that didn't take long..and makes me very angry.

    Him and I talk still...I tryed telling him I was sorry...that I didn't mean what I said...( and yes I told him this before I knew she was some what back) well he told me things couldn't go back to the way they were with us, because of her...yes I know she hates me just as much as I hate her. he has left her to many times because Him and I have a huge history, we are one of those couples, that will always be a couple...

    Anyways...she doesn't trust him and is worried that he will come back to me again.( reason why they broke up soo many times) ..which she should see...Yess that does happen. but she comes back for more.

    Do you honestly think this could work though? Him and I always talk...we see eachother every once in awhile..mostly at soccer games, school functions, and yes sometimes at our homes. (and no he never brings her to games or school stuff involving our daughter, cause I am there)

    She has told him to stay away from me, while they are "working things out" and I have told him the same...but I have every right, she is the homewreaker here....this is MY family.

    He has told me they didn't label anything, just basically seeing what happens...."My fist in her face, is what's going to happen soon.... arrrggggg!! he says he still has very strong feelings for me...which this I know...we will always have that bond no matter what, plus I was his first.....he is 27 years old now.

    What should I do?...I feel a bit cocky thinking, "it won't work" but at the same time..I am worried it will, and should I be mad at him...for doing this again with her so soon? YES!! its his cycle though..If I am not around ..she is.......and if she is not around..I am....he is going back and forth with very little time in between and going to great lengths to keep us both around, but why?? why do guys do that?? it is honestly driving me mad..I have dated and alot of people would tell me to move on...but I don't want to..I can't I have to many feelings for him, and I don't want to give up on my family.I just want to minus a homewreaker....

    They have been on and off for 2 years...when is she going to stop...atleast I have a reason why I am still around....No trust... in relationships that is very important...how can it work for them? maybe it won't maybe I should just wait to see... or maybe I am just as stupid as she is.... No.... I am not... I love my daughter and I love her father they are my world......

    But what do I do now...just because I made a mistake and said I was done... maybe next time I should keep my lips zipped....I dunno..Please I need advice... I am going crazy, It is affecting my sleep, I have crazy dreams that are so real..I can't handle this...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Guess I stumped everyone....no one seems to have any advice.. thanks anyways.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Well even though you regret it, like you said "you were done" and he believed you..but yet I take it he is juggling the both of you? It isn't just guys that do it...tisk tisk.

    You sure you love him? Or is it you would love having him all to yourself? And calling her the homewrecker....I thought you wrecked it by saying you were done? Instead of regretting saying it, how about following through with it?
    Impossible is a word only to be found in the dictionary of fools.

    Napoleon I

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2005
    GA, USA
    Youre both acting like children in my opinion. Hunny youre a grown woman with children. You dont need to be sleeping with your exes. There is a reason you two didnt work out. You need to learn how to control your temper, and dont say things you dont mean! I understand that we all do it sometimes, but in a situation like this you both need to be adults. Stop thinking about yourself and put your children before you! This needs to be about whats best for their future, not your love life!

    You both need to sit down and have an adult conversation (if you can) about how this is just not a good idea and you need to continue to go your separate ways. Another thing I wanted to point out is the fact that you cant be friends with an ex. You say friends with benefits...I say youre still crazy about the guy and miss the intimacy, OR you dont want to be alone, and find him to be the easiest one to call up and say hey I miss you come over.

    It sounds like its time to let go of something you dont have, and learn to love yourself in order to really be there for your kids.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Los Angeles
    The reason you are not getting more responses is because your original post was way too long. Try to summarize on a new thread.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Melbourne, Aus
    what kind of a man is he who leaves his daughter ?

    Are there no prisons? Are there no workhouses? - The Ghost of Christmas Past

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