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Thread: How do I get her back?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    How do I get her back?

    I admit, I wasnt the greatest boyfriend in the past and have done a lot of horrible things to hurt her, but I realized now that I want her back and she has been the best thing that happened in my life. We dated 3 years and its been a year since our break up. I honestly didnt treat her too well because I was too distracted with friends. It also didnt help that most of my friends were single too. But the main reason was I was graduating from college and did know what I wanted or where I was going with my life. Being the sweet, understanding, and forgiving person she is, we both remained friends after the break up. WE would talk every so often and update each other how our lives were doing. She still cares about me and would tell me she still loves me after what I did to her. I dont know how she dealt with the break up since I graduated and we went out separate ways. Since the break up I dated other girls. It was fun and interesting but for some reason, I was never satisfied or felt an emotional connection with them as I did with her. It wasnt until a few months ago, I realized how much I missed her. I love her! Call me semi-crazy but I can see myself marrying her.

    She was in a relationship but recently found out 2 months ago that she is single again. II feel like this is my opportunity to win her back. I'm turning 30 this upcoming year and maybe it is time to throw in the towel and be in a serious relationship. I WANT HER BACK! How do I get her back? Is this just a phase? Or am I just lonely and filling a void?

  2. #2
    shesjustnotin2u's Avatar
    shesjustnotin2u Guest
    You seem very self-fish by addressing only of your feelings and wants... If I was her, I'd probably hate your guts and never want anything to do with you again. I believe once its been shot, its dead. And if its not dead, the wound may heal but the scar will always be there. Your relationship will never feel the same. I dont think you deserve her and should move on. Sometimes it takes losing what you had to appreciate what you have now...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    I won't be much help - I'd never give an ex a second chance.

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