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Thread: Is he leading up to asking me out?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    Is he leading up to asking me out?

    Over the past year, I've become very close with my best guy friend. Because we are in the same circle and work in this group together and go to church together, we see each other very often.

    Usually, we drive up to a certain town about a half hour away alone together to go to a meeting and we've done this a lot over the past year and also going to parities, etc... where it's just the two of us, so we've gotten to know each other pretty well on a personal level. We talk about everything. I confide in him and he in me. And it's developed kind of slowly, but I do have feelings for him and sometimes, I think he does for me too... but I find him hard to read at times.

    At first it was just conversation and then recently, we've been talking more about personal things and then during a meeting, we were playing some game and he put his hands on my shoulders and he just became more touchy feely than he's ever been with me. He's begun to tease me more and he's always giddy and happy and he's always sitting next to me and we make a lot of eye contact. But sometimes, I don't know, it's weird... like we both know we like each other, but nothing has come of it....

    I've always been the one to tell a guy how I felt about him and I've always gotten shut down. But I really like him and I don't want to mess this up, because he's something special.

    On Sunday, he asked me if I wanted to hang out with him and 2 other people as they practiced for choir. He said I could come practice going through the slideshow (which of course, we did not get to). I didn't do anything and I kind of expected to do nothing. I can't sing, so I just hung out and we all talked and laughed and had a good time... But I really didn't need to be there. I went because he asked if I wanted to and I like him, so I agreed.

    Did he just ask me to come hang out so he could see me? I won't see him again for another few days.... but I feel like sometimes he's still hiding and working slowly to ask me out, or to see how I feel about him... I'm not sure.

    But it's like 14 degrees outside and I went to his house to hang out for no reason... well, just to see him, LOL! =) I don't know what to do to speed along the process.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Look, if he wanted you then surely he'd have made a move by now so that makes him either:

    1. Too scared to try = not good or
    2. Not interested = not good.

    Or why not try doing something really radical like asking him out on a date. Or keep waiting and waiting and waiting.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Tell him, he could either be afraid, or he could not have any feelings at all. But it doesn't seem fair to you, that you stay waiting until he makes a move ( whichever it is). So tell him your real feelings, and let that very clear. You will feel better, and you will get your answers.

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