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Thread: Do You Think I Have Any Chance With Her?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    Do You Think I Have Any Chance With Her?

    Hi I am in high school and I really like this girl. A couple of months ago I met her and we became friends. We only have one class together and only talked in that class. One day I asked her if she wanted to go to the movies after school on a Friday (btw we became friends from our love of movies, we both want to be film directors) and she said yes and we went. Nothing really went down, but after she texted me saying that she had a really nice time. Then a couple days later I asked if she wanted to go for a walk in the park after school one day, but she said she was busy. Then two weeks later I asked if she wanted to go to this art exhibit and she was busy again. After that I became depressed and didn't really talk to her much for at least a month. Then it seemed like she started to talk to me a lot and we became good friends again. Then I started texting her at night sometimes and we had really good conversations. Sometimes I would be the first to text and sometimes she would be the first to text. Anyway, I started thinking that maybe she is interested again. There is a dance coming up at my school and I was sick for the week leading up to it and the dance is this week so I didn't have a chance to ask her verbally. So last Sunday we had a really nice text conversation and I asked if she was going to the dance and she said that she was going with a group of friends. Then I asked if she wanted to go together (referring to her and me). Then she said, "Ohh thanks but my friends and I had these plans for a long time. I'm just going with them. See ya there". Then I became upset and said okay and told her that I was tired and going to sleep. Then she wrote, "goodnight! :)".So now to be honest I don't know what to think, do you think I should go to the dance and try to dance with her, and start something (Basically if I go that is the only reason why). Or do you think it is over and that is just a nice way of her indirectly saying I just want to be friends? Thanks for the help

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Surrey, BC
    You are totally friend zoned. Biggest mistake was giving her too much attention. You have to make them earn it by cutting out all the attention, being aloof, and distant. You noticed that when you ignored her she came around. Well that is how it works.

    Anywho if she was into you she wouldn't have passed up the chance to go with you to the dance....it's just friends I'm afraid.

    best thing to do is to just say hi, and then go dance with lots of other girls, and have a good time.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Sadly, that's true. I find myself more attracted to someone when I have to work for it. Best strategy? Bring a hot chick to the dance. Good luck.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    well... if it's me i really won't care if i am friend zoned or not... love is not anything about how to get her and to flirt with her! to me... even though my heart is totally broken but i noe i just wan to care for her, give her all my attention and love her as much as i can! i just wan to try loving her as much, even if we remain as friends as long as she is happy and cared for, it's all alright for me! i miss her, i cry and i really like her a lot, but at least i noe all i can do is just to really try loving her!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Surrey, BC
    You are being totally unrealistic over a girl you can't have. This is the reason you are so alone, you obsess and invest your heart wrongfully. Girls hate what you are doing, putting them up on a pedestal and giving whatever attention they want just so you can be near them....that's pathetic. It will never get you into any girls heart, you will be that creepy guy that won't leave her alone.

    Tip: really loving her will not get her to love you back. In fact it will do the opposite.

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