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Thread: Does this boy like

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2012

    Does this boy like

    There's this guy around the same age as me, who works at my local Starbucks (were in late teens)

    We know each others name and have said hi how are you/how has your day been.

    Also he does the whole staring thing, started with about 10secs but now stares for about 40secs

    I only notice cuz I look up form my drink/phone and he would be staring my way, I then look back down, look up in 30/40secs and he would still be staring. I sometimes stared back, but most times look straight back down.

    Last week I was sat their on my laptop watching my fav tv show supernatural, when he walk past to clear tables. They recently got some lamps to put on the tables so turned round to me and my parents and ask what we though of them, he was standing behind me so could see everything I was doing. I just carried on watching tv, while my parents spoke to him for about 2-3mins.
    This is the first time he's spoke to them, does this mean anything or was he just been friendly.

    Later that night I went to the toilet, and as I was just about to go into the women's he came out the mens and ask if me if I liked supernatural. I told him it was my fav show and he said it was his to and then had 1min chat about with me. (This is the most we've ever talked)

    I went again this saturday. I sat down with my laptop, while my parents went for a walk. I was sat facing towards the counter, it wasn't that busy so he kept staring at me, then turning to talk to another girl workmate, then back at me. Then about 20mins later my parents came back so I went up to order and he ask me if I had watched the latest episode. Then I ask him something else about it and we were talking for about 1min.

    Today we had to go out some were and stop by again. I don't normal go on a sunday. He was working again so sever me, and had remembered some of my order. Then at the end he ask me if I wanted my free wifi pass he said it once but then said again but pronounced it wefe passes and sought of laughed about it. I sought of laughed/smiled and then walk of to wait for my drinks.

    Does he like me. If so why hasn't he ask me out yet. As he seems like a very confident/talkative person around his other workmates/customers and other girls who come in that are friends.

    I would ask him out but, there's no other Starbucks in my area so if he says no I would haven't any were else to go.

    This has been going on for about 6months, I know people say that if a guy wants to be with you he would of ask you by now. But if he didn't like me why would he still keep staring at me.

    I do like him.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Why not ask him out then . We do live in the 21st century you know.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2010
    He likes you for sure. At least your looks. I ussualy stare when theres nothing better to look at.

    So you said that you both talked 60 sec in 6 months. That might be the problem. I know its hard to talk with someone you like cause everything you say is so super important but once you start it should be easy. Start with Hi and add something - everyday you will be able to say more and more.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2012
    that's such a cute story

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