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Thread: How should I act?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    How should I act?


    Sorry for the length.

    About 8 months ago I met this married guy at work. He interviewed me (he wasn't my boss just team member) and accepted me for the job.
    We bonded from the start and became good friends.He really looked out for me. He is happily married and loves his wife and children and I don't want to ruin that.

    Anyways, 2 months ago I left the job and we kept in touch. I went to have lunch with him a few times and we met twice with another friend at a bar. I will admit that i wish he was single as I don't remember the last time I had chemistry with someone like I do with him.

    I started a new job this week and it's right by my old work. So, being the nice guy that he is he offered to take me to work in the mornings. He started car pooling with this other guy. Yesterday, the other guy didn't come and we were alone. I didn't speak most of the way to work and he suddenly said out my name aloud...maybe to bring me back to life or just for the fun of it.

    Now, many times when we are together and talk I will touch him on his arm- i guess coz of attraction. Yesterday on the way back from work I felt like a complete idiot. We were speaking and i touched him. So, he asked me why do I touch him. Nobody else touches him so it's strange. He looked at me for a reaction and I wanted to run out of the car. I just smiled and said 'well I don't know'.
    He looked at me and said 'I thought u don't lie'. I just smiled. After that something on the road distracted him and I thought good that is the end of the questioning. But no it wasn't. He looked at me again with a smile and asked again. I smiled and said well i don't touch anybody else. I wasn't going to outright say well i have feelings for u. But he understood the reason and said something that he doesn't want it to happen and I mustn't ruin the relationship between us...
    He then got a call from some girl from HR. I guess she told him that he was cute coz he looked at me and smiled -maybe a bit embarrassed and said to her 'u r also cute'. He has called me cute also a few times -in fact just the other day he said 'Bye cutie'.

    Do you think he hates me? Why did he look at me when she called him cutie? Why the interrogation?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    You need to stop this now. He is married. Get a lift off someone else to work and stop hanging out with him. What you are doing is wrong and if you become the other woman-all three of you including his wife will get badly hurt as well as his kids.

    Forget about him and stay away from taken men in future. It is so wrong on so many levels and he already said he doesn't want anything to happen between you. Cute could just be a pet name.

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