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Thread: I have a complicated and undefined relation with a girl i like so very much..

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    I have a complicated and undefined relation with a girl i like so very much..

    this is my first time posting something like that on a forum so you can immagine how hard it actualy is to wite what is on my heart right now. So i know this girl for a quite a while now and i recantly just started liking her but for some reason i cant read what she think about me cause last time i was at her place (she is a hairdresser so its, well u'll get it) after a haircut she asked me to help her something with her computer so i stayd at her for a quite a long time and all of a suden she starts to act all flirty and stuff so she gets to me and just starts to randomly huging me and smiling at me and god know what, (it was saturday and i was prepairing to go yout with my friends) so hour or so her friend (another girl) comes to her place and like she just starts to act like she is just waiting for me to go home (i started to feel not welcome anymore so i just quickly packed up ajd left home with a "?" over my head). Later that day me and my friends went out in a night club, well it was all nice and fun and then (in the name of irony she come with her friend i mentiond earlyer) so i was like hello and she just smiled and walked by so i was like what the hell? so i went after her and i sad hi and she said hy and just walked away just leaving me out standing in the club, so i went back to my friend. hour or two s see her again and she is all like happy and smileing at me and just approached me and started to huging me again and kissing me in the cheeks and AGAIN walked away. I didn't saw her after that but when i came home (it was like 4-5 in the morning) she starts to text me saying waaw that was so fun we shuld totaly do this again and i was like what i only saw you for like a half an hour in there what are you talking about? That was last week, few days ago i was in school and i was going for a coffie after with my friend so i decided to call her and she said no, so i tryed again nex day and got the same reaction, and 2 days ago (saturday again) she asks me to go to town to hang out, and i asked "u want me to go with you?" and she said no i want you accidentally bump into me like last week so we have some fun, and again she left me clueless what to do so i started asking my friends will the go with me to the town but they were busy that day (or not willing to go) so i was alone in this with no ride to the town (buses have lame schedule during weekends) and so i told her i cant find any friends to go but i can go solo (i got my dad to drive me) and she told me "dont go all alone" and i said well u told me you will meet up with me after all i have everithing arranged with my dad he will give me a ride to town, and she said no dont go (DONT GO!?!?!). and so we got into a huge fight over facebook (i'd rather not talk about the fight) and i apologized to her today and she said its ok. My question is how do i know what does she want from me i mean sometimes she is flirty to me (hugs and stuff) and sometimes i just feel like im in her way and i need to go away, but i love talking to her so much regardles of what are we talking about but i always have the same feelig when we are texting that i am anoying her and she just wants me away.
    I welcome any advice about this situation and how shuld i act from now on or what shuld i do, i am sorry for my bad english.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    I think she is attracted to you and just feeling you out. You need to be a bit more aggressive and ask her out for drinks or something. A woman does not go out of her way to keep touching and kissing you if she has no interest. Man up and ask her out properly.

    FYI she may not have even needed help with her computer, it could have been just an excuse for her to talk to you more. An exGF hooked me like that. She asked for help with a paper (we were in law school at the time) and I soon realized she was much further along on the paper then me and really didn't need my help. She later addmitted it was just an excuse for her to come over my house. Well it worked and I made a move after a little while of working on the paper.

    Lastly, please use some paragraphs and the enter key. It is much easier to read when you separate.
    Last edited by FlaCooln; 26-03-13 at 09:29 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Thanks for the advice, you have no idea how much can a 3rd persons perspective can help out.

    And i will use some paragraphs and enter key in the future. Thank again

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Well i have another problem, so i asked her out and she said nope, but instead she asked me to come over and i asked when and she was like idk ill talk 2 you and she left, (that was facebook chat).

    So couple of hours later i wanted to talk to her so i started to text her, she responed but she was cold and not interested and so the conversation ended.
    Now i am left with the same question again: what does she feels about me? i mean when im with her in person she is all flirty and god knows what but when on facebook or in company she starts to act cold and i just start to feel like i am not wanted in the group of people we are in (that happend last time we wore out in the club). Then i start to over analyze what the hell happend and just get frustrated by the fact that i think that she doesn'l like me at all.
    i got the idea to ask her best friend if she said anything about me ot what she thinks of me, but then i got afraid that she might tell her that and i wuld have and akward situation with her.

    But then again i just want to tell her everything that i feel about us and risk losing her as a friend and stop taliking with her for good.
    I am really frustrated about this complicated situation and i need advice one more time from people who wore in this situation before.

    What shuld i say to her, shuld i keed testing her and try to find out what she feels about me truly or just go straight foward and say what is on my mid and risk losing her (and probably brake my heart).

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    shes not interested. leave it. move on. you dont need to tlak to her

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Yea but, when she kisses me (regular cheek kiss) she gives me hope in it and i just gat my hopes high again and its like im just waiting ti get hurt.
    And no i can't just walk away it's to damn hard i will definetly try. And i thought beeing in love is a good feeling

    All in all this is what my situation feels like: ww.youtube.com/watch?v=VL4YceTBxz8
    Last edited by WooDoo; 02-04-13 at 06:39 AM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    yup you were right, its done, imma just need some time to "recover" and move on

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