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Thread: In love with Libra! Need advise

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    In love with Libra! Need advise

    been seeing a guy for more than 3 months now..we were friend from the begining and slowly it turns to couple. We dint declare our relationship i mean to each other..but we hold hands we kiss and etc and also we txting each other almost everyday. i met most of this friends and his buddies.

    The things that bother me alot now i dont know should i keep going on seeing him? im afraid and i have FEAR in me. sometimes i feel like he keep staying away from me and sometime he doesnt. It confused me alot! We dont see each other alot. more on like 2-3 times aweek due to his work. He wont be staying long now.he work for contract base.He will be leaving back to his hometown or somewhere else soon end of this year.. He talked to me about his plan before we step into another level of our relationship and i knew he will be leaving me one day he told me he might stay if something hold him to. But untill one day he told me that he actually lost in his plan now. To be honest i really want to be with him..and slowly i give in alittle more and more each time..but i can feel when things turn to be better and he start to pull back alittle..i dont understand why he wants to do that. he told me before he dint expect to fall so much for me and he dont really want to give in too much as he doesnt wan us to get hurt. I really dont wan to push too hard about us and give presure as i know we just started we need more time to know each other more. Should i be more patient ? i feel far when we dont see each other but we are totally fine when we meet. ( and for sure he is caring and loving)

    I try not to be too available for him most of the time to stop him take for granted on me but i failed to do so. should i make myself NOT to available for him? should i txt him first or reply his text immediately?? i really dont know..im such a dumb in this.Oh By the way he is LIBRA!! i feel like a dumb most of the time when i start to txt him. i used to be confident and i know what i want but then..it turn me down to be to devoted to him!!

    Any advice for me to build my confident and being not a loser in this relationship? he is really good in playing mind games!

    Many Thanks!! xoxo

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Hi Bue2627: It sounds like you have paired with a, "waltz away lover." Those are people who can't commit and who are there for us a short period of time. He already told you he was leaving. And YOU and HE haven't committed to a relationship. In fact you said that when you two start to get close, he backs away.....for whatever BS reason he gives you. Your behavior makes you sound desperate to me. Do you think pushing this guy will help your cause? I'd only respond to texts and find someone else to date! BTW - why would you want to be with someone who plays mind games? Those are just emotional manipulation. Ann

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