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Thread: Do i tell her i like her?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2012

    Do i tell her i like her?

    Im going to start by saying that i know that i am friendzoned, its not going to be news to me.

    So im about to go into my senior year of high school and there is this girl that i have known since freshman year that i have been talking to just about everyday and we have become good friends. It started out with just simple flirting and small talk and i didnt think anything of it. But over sophomore year i started developing a crush and all the while she didnt give a hint toward me whatsoever. She has been on a lot of dates with many guys and has had three boyfriends in high school, but she has always had time to talk with me and we've hung out a couple of times. I'm one of the few people (guy or girl) that she really trusts so thats kinda good but also really bad if you look at it a certain way. With all the time we've had to become close, now in junior year i've come to the conclusion that i really like her and whenever i see her i want to tell her how i feel but i dont because i'm just too scared of what might happen. Its not that im afraid of being rejected because im 95% sure i will get rejected, im just afraid of actually saying it and how awkward it will make us for the next year. I'm not the kind of guy she would date either; she goes for the popular, really funny guys while im a very shy, quiet guy with a small close-knit group of friends.

    So my real question is should i tell her how i feel after all of this or do i just let it fly by? I have no idea what im supposed to do. Do i leave with the possibility of having regret about never trying anything or do i risk a good friendship by some stupid idea?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    I'm going to go ahead and give you the "Do what I say, not what I do," advice. Tell her how you feel. Yes, things may be awkward afterwards, and it does put the future of the friendship on the line because things may never be the same. And yes, you might very possibly get rejected. On the other hand, though, isn't it better to have tried rather than sitting in the friendzone forever when that is ultimately not where you want to be? Plus, if you don't tell her, you won't ever know what could happen; it will forever be a "what if" in your memory. For all you know, she very possibly could like you, but is too afraid because society always tells us girls that we're the ones that are supposed to be chased and wanted, not the ones doing the chasing and wanting. Besides, when you're 90 years old on your deathbed, you'll only regret the things that you didn't do, not the things that you did do. Now, I'm not saying that a high school crush is going to be something you'll be thinking about on your deathbed, but I'm sure you understand what I'm saying. Now if I could only be brave enough to take my own advice and tell my guy friend that I like him...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Surrey, BC
    Once school is finished you both will be going your separate ways so there isn't a risk of losing anything really. Just ask her out on a date. There is less awkwardness in that than telling her you like her in a romantic way. Just say "I was wondering if you would ever consider going out on a date with me?" say it with confidence, good eye contact and a smile. If she gives you excuses or says no, just say "Oh well, you can blame a guy for trying."

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    I'd like to inquire about your name, "doubtful doper." What does this mean? Ann

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Surrey, BC
    Pot smoker.....that lacks confidence in himself.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Smackie - That is what I thought but wanted him to confirm.

    doubtful doper: If you are smoking weed, you can't think clearly anyway. If you aren't the kind of guy she would date, why don't upi stop smoking pot and become the kind of guy she would date? Ann

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Surrey, BC
    No she likes a guy with a good social life that has balls.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Ive actually never smoked anything before, the doubtful is because im never making good decisions so i doubt myself, and the doper well i couldnt think of anything else clever that started with a D.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Surrey, BC

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    I think you should definitely go for it and tell her. First off, if you don't tell her, you'll waste the rest of your life thinking what if I had done it. What would have happened? Maybe she would have said yes. Its not worth all that stress. If you do tell her, there are two possible outcomes. One- she'll say that she doesn't like you like that and she really enjoys being friends with you and doesn't want to ruin that. If that happens, it may be slightly awkward at first but eventually you'll both be okay with each other since you have an "understanding". If she does say no, you'll be able to know how she feels and move on with your life instead of dwelling on it. Two-she'll either automatically like you back or she'll think about it and realize how important you are to her and eventually say yes. hat leads to dating! Isn't it worth the risk?

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