And it's going really well.

Initially she added me on facebook as she didn't like giving out her number to random strangers, which is fair enough. I asked her out on Tuesday, saying that I was free all week and she said yes, but said it was better if we could go out next week. We both agreed to see eachother on tuesday for dinner.

A few days later she casually asked if i could message her my number, so I could get hers, which I gladly did.

Everything is still going really well, our offices are quite close to eachother and we know the area that we work in quite well. I was texting her on the train home today, and after flirting with her for the first time since we had been talking, she casually said ' we should have gone out for a drink tonight!' amongst our conversation.

THis is the first time, ever, in the 21 years that I have been alive that a girl has hinted about wanting to see me before a first date...


As we haven't seen eachother since last friday (when we first met) I feel like maybe she is beginning to like me a bit more than she expected and wants to meet me in person to see if her idea of me matches up to who I really am.... any ideas?