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Thread: Is she falling out of love with me?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2013

    Is she falling out of love with me?

    This is going to be rather long to inform you on how its increasingly got a bit strange.
    I am a girl, and I am dating another girl.

    I am her first girlfriend and we got together a few months after her boyfriend broke up with her. We were very close friends before we got together. It started off great, we were having a lot of fun and enjoying each others company. We've been together for 9 months. Anywho, recently, everytime I go to kiss her, she quickly kisses me back then moves away and I move in again to kiss her and she moves away from me. I asked her why as it got upsetting as everytime I kissed her or even hugged her sometimes she would say I was smothering her. I hardly ever kissed her and when I did I would be pushed away most of the time. We've stopped having sex. I try to be intimate with her but she either say she just wants to cuddle or it's very quick and over with. It feels as if I'm annoying her by being close to her. Now she said to me that I was her very bestest friend and its scared me into thinking she's confused by her feelings for me and she doesn't actually feel love, but what she thinks is love is close friendship - relating to the not wanting many kisses but a lot of cuddles. I feel as if I'm just there to keep her company. Sometimes we just sit there not talking and I ask her what we should do and she replies with that she doesn't want to talk. It just hurts.
    Now in 2 weeks we are finishing college and I am going off to University in September and she is travelling for a year. We won't hardly speak and its only just been decided that she is going, now she is booking it all. She asked me if that was okay and I said yes, I would never want to be the reason she didn't pursue something she's always wanted to do and would regret later in life. I told her I'd miss her and we'd work something out and she agreed. I of course went home and thought about it and obiovusly it upset me that i wouldn't see her for a year or hardly speak to her other than Skype and phonecalls but I'm determined to make it work, but she doesn't seem that phased by it, she is just so excited to go and wishes it would hurry up which is fair enough but I just feel as If im loosing her more and more everyday... ://

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Yes, I believe she is falling out of love. Combine fact that she's not meeting your needs with her leaving for a year - I think you'd be wise to breakup.
    Never regret anything that has happened in your life. It cannot be changed, forgotten or undone. So, take it as a lesson learned and move on.

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