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Thread: Could use some advice...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2012

    Could use some advice...

    Hey guys, could really use some advice on this one, anything would be greatly appreciated...

    So I started dating this guy about a month and a half ago and things were going pretty good. We've texted pretty much every day. Since we were both pretty busy with exams we have only been able to hang out 5 times; but they've all gone pretty well. I'm not a huge fan of making the first move when it comes to kissing so I wait for the guy to do it - and most guys do, except for him. I left his place last night and felt something was a little off.

    On our third date he asked me if I liked him. I returned the question this morning and texted him with the same question. His response was "I like you but I feel like we aren't on the same page. I want a relationship and I don't know what you want." I reassured him that I am looking for a relationship, and that I'm really sorry if that's how I came across, because it couldn't be any further from the truth. I ended it with "So what now?" He sent me the relationship text at 11:30am, and then the last message I sent to him asking what he wants to do now was at 4:30pm. It's now almost 8:30pm and no response since this morning. It's just very unusual since we haven't not talked since we first started talking.

    Any advice on what to do next? Or maybe on what's going on with him?

    Help please!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    maybe he just didnt get your text or maybe hes unsure coz he doesnt know what you want. why dont you just text him saying "i want you to meet me at such a place and kiss me in 30mins"

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Thanks! He lives about an hour away so that might not work I want to believe he didn't get my text but I don't want to seem needy or clingy by continuously texting him. The way I left it the ball was in his court, but I thought he would have texted me back...now the waiting is the worst ...especially for something that might not even happen!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    just text him and say "really wanted you to kiss me the other night, hope it will happen next time"

    iits been 4 hours-just send the text. if he doesnt text back this time-then start getting worried.

    theres a thing you can put on your phone-a setting that will notify you when he recieves the text. cant remember what its called.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Surrey, BC
    Quote Originally Posted by phoenix90 View Post
    Hey guys, could really use some advice on this one, anything would be greatly appreciated...

    So I started dating this guy about a month and a half ago and things were going pretty good. We've texted pretty much every day. Since we were both pretty busy with exams we have only been able to hang out 5 times; but they've all gone pretty well. I'm not a huge fan of making the first move when it comes to kissing so I wait for the guy to do it - and most guys do, except for him. I left his place last night and felt something was a little off.

    On our third date he asked me if I liked him. I returned the question this morning and texted him with the same question. His response was "I like you but I feel like we aren't on the same page. I want a relationship and I don't know what you want." I reassured him that I am looking for a relationship, and that I'm really sorry if that's how I came across, because it couldn't be any further from the truth. I ended it with "So what now?" He sent me the relationship text at 11:30am, and then the last message I sent to him asking what he wants to do now was at 4:30pm. It's now almost 8:30pm and no response since this morning. It's just very unusual since we haven't not talked since we first started talking.

    Any advice on what to do next? Or maybe on what's going on with him?

    Help please!!
    Girl you have to be that little sexy kitten that sends him sexal innuendo messages, heavy flirting, be that naughty girl to get a guy to desire you. Stop being so mute.

  6. #6
    IndiReloaded's Avatar
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    He probably senses you aren't that into him, so he's decided to move on. Frankly, if a guy has to ask if you like him, then you probably don't. I couldn't keep my hands off my SO from our first meeting and vice-versa.
    Second thoughts can generally be amended with judicious action; injudicious actions can seldom be recovered with second thoughts.
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  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by phoenix90 View Post
    Hey guys, could really use some advice on this one, anything would be greatly appreciated...

    So I started dating this guy about a month and a half ago and things were going pretty good. We've texted pretty much every day. Since we were both pretty busy with exams we have only been able to hang out 5 times; but they've all gone pretty well. I'm not a huge fan of making the first move when it comes to kissing so I wait for the guy to do it - and most guys do, except for him. I left his place last night and felt something was a little off.

    On our third date he asked me if I liked him. I returned the question this morning and texted him with the same question. His response was "I like you but I feel like we aren't on the same page. I want a relationship and I don't know what you want." I reassured him that I am looking for a relationship, and that I'm really sorry if that's how I came across, because it couldn't be any further from the truth. I ended it with "So what now?" He sent me the relationship text at 11:30am, and then the last message I sent to him asking what he wants to do now was at 4:30pm. It's now almost 8:30pm and no response since this morning. It's just very unusual since we haven't not talked since we first started talking.

    Any advice on what to do next? Or maybe on what's going on with him?

    Help please!!
    Why would you have this conversation over text? This is important to you, you should have asked to see him again and got it out face to face where he could hear your voice and see your expression and kissed your lips. DO NOT have important conversations over text anymore. You now have no idea what he's thinking. If he was in front of you you could have it settled one way or the other by now.

    CALL him and if he doesn't pick up leave a voice mail telling him you'd like to invite him (to something you both like to do) and is he available to meet with you at such and such a time. Start doing some of the initiating.. hopefully it's not too late to show him that the effort is being reciprocated. Words without actions are just words.... they're even less then words if they're relayed through technology rather then verbally.
    “The willingness to accept responsibility for one’s own life is the source from which self-respect springs.” ~Joan Didion

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