I met a girl in April at home in Ireland and I've never felt the things I felt for her before with anyone else even after a 6 year relationship previous to meeting her. Feelings seem to be the same for us both as well. Unfortunately our time together was cut short and only after 2 dates (most amazing dates ever) and 6 days of knowing her she left for Australia. We've kept in constant touch and feelings seem to still be growing. Neither of us have said the big 'L' word to each other yet. But I know if I do it has to be in person. After she left she was all I thought about and still is. Within a week I knew I had to be with her again and as I'd planned to travel to New Zealand there was no way I wasn't going to visit her on the way. So this is all in motion and we're both very excited to meet again in Brisbane in 6 weeks time from now.
The only problem is this. She is doing her thing with her friends, and I'm doing my thing with my travels. Neither of us know what will happen when we're together but I know no matter what I want her in my future. So much so I am happy to enjoy our time together in Oz then go our separate ways and wait to really give things a go when we are both back home. I would never put the pressure on her to either come with me or have me join her and her friends. But I don't think I'll be able to say goodbye to her again like we had to in April. And I knew by our second date I was falling fast for her. I'm also worried that if it comes to the point that I have to tell her how I really feel, and she has hinted at having similar feelings, will telling her end up making her feel pressured to choose an option which keeps us together in Australia. I care so much for her I'd rather see her do all she's planned to and wait the year until she's home before making anything happen. I don't want to ruin that for her by doing or saying the wrong things. I just know I have to see her again though.

Anyway any advice much appreciated