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Thread: Girlfriend broke up with me, and then told me she loved me..,

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2013

    Girlfriend broke up with me, and then told me she loved me..,

    Hello all,

    I recently went through a rough-ish breakup. We ended our relationship mutually and on amicable terms, but then it got weird. We had our problems, like every couple does. Everything kind of fell apart after a bad patch back in march and then never fully recovered.

    I loved her and I told her that. During our relationship I never heard it back... That is, until we broke up. It has messed me up something fierce. The first few days I didn't know what to do and was quiet. She texted me that she was upset and crying, and I kind of ignored it. That weekend (last weekend) after heavy thought I realized that it was worth a shot, now that we both had love.

    So, like any other person, I called her, texted, gchated, etc, about my feelings for her. Now I realize that was the wrong move, especially after she told me that she wanted to move on. Now at this point, I'm super confused. We break up, she tells me she loves me, and then I get there is no chance of us ever getting back together and I need to move on.

    Wtf? How does that work? What do I do? I know in my heart that I love her, and that I want to be with her. I realize that I have her very little space the last week which is not ok. Any advice on how to get her back? What should I do?



  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Her post-breakup "I love you" didn't have the same meaning that your "I love you"s had. She doesn't love you romantically, she just missed the company and familiarity of your presence in her life. As soon as you contacted her again, she realized that she doesn't actually love you romantically. For her, the relationship had been over since long before the actual break up.

    You need to cut contact and move on. There is nothing you can do that will make her come back.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Haven't landed yet
    I definetly agree with the first poster.. Her "i love you" was not in the same way that u love her.
    I would not waste anymore time trying to make things work with her. Sometimes loving someone doesn't always mean they are the one you should be with. I'm sure u can find a girl that loves u the way u love her.

    One thing though... How long were u together? If u were together for a couple months then yeah there's nothing wrong with her not saying I love you.. Real love takes time.. But if u were together like 6 months or more.. Then yes that's very weird she wouldn't say it back and she was probably with u for some other reason. Like company or sex or something. I don't know the whole situation

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2010
    First of all its realy crazy relationship where love is confesed only after breakup. Kinda wrong timing lol. If you want to rebuild it then. Just start from zero and this time do everything right.

    Put yourself first before you go after her

    Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will

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