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Thread: i need fellow female advice on a friend zone situation

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    i need fellow female advice on a friend zone situation

    Basically I dated guy1 freshman year of high school for a couple of months I broke up with him but shortly decided I wanted him back he agreed but then hooked up with two of my friends which lead to love/hate relationship we had up until recently. He would call me every night just to talk but when he realized I wouldn't have sex with him because I know how he is he then would call me just to tell me about his recent conquests. I stopped trying to be more with him and stopped answering texts/calls so I would stop liking him. Now I've been friends with guy2 for as long as i've known guy1 which is now 8 years. Guy1 and Guy2 are bestfriends. Guy2 knew Guy1 and I attempted to get something started again (only made out) but knew it was nothing serious. Guy2 and I have been good friends for a while and he calls me anytime he's having a problem it's mostly his on/off girlfriend who is a total piece of shit to him and I have to sit on the phone while I hear history repeating itself over and over again. Guy2 has slept with 2 of my best friends which I never gave a second thought about at the time. I actually hooked my one best friend and him up.. just for him to ruin it with his ex. I started think something more about a year ago when we were all drinking at a friends 21st bday party and one of the girls thought it would be fun to play spin the bottle like we were in 8th grade again. He spun it and rigged it so it would land on me we made out but we never spoke about it the next day and it was forgotten. He then got real flirty with me putting his arm around me.. putting babe in texts sometimes..tell me how pretty I am.. make sexual jokes about us.. and I started to reciprocate then he told me he met a girl and now shes his girlfriend he's like "I told her that if you call that she can't get mad because you're my best friend." and I laughed and said yeah she better not. He invited me to a new years party and I couldn't go but he called me on new years at midnight but I couldnt answer but I called him right back shortly after and he said you're the only one who called me on new years and talked about how much he likes me as a friend and then talked about how much he liked his new girlfriend and then when we said goodbye he said ok I love you bye and I said I love you too and hung up. The next morning he called and asked who my new years kiss was I told him and he laughed and it he would've been better. So shortly after that he broke up with his new girl friend for his ex. they've been together up until about 2 months ago.( During their time is when guy1 and I attempted to get together) so we were at a party for another friends party about a month ago and we're all pretty wasted and guy2 and I are all over each other and i'm almost positive we're finally gonna do something. Then out of the blue he starts talking about how hot my best friend is (the one I hooked him up with) so that officially killed whatever thought I had about us finally being more. so then I proceeded to drink more and eventually everyone passes out including guy2. I lay on the couch get ready to go to sleep when guy1 comes over to me and asks to sleep on the couch with me so my dumbass lets him sleep with me eventually we start making out .. we don't have sex but I do something else that I immediately regret the next morning. The next morning we all sit at the kitchen table and guy2 pulls me on his lap and says you look good as my girlfriend ..guys doesn't (my name) look good as my girlfriend? and hugs me real tight.. and this is in front of guy1 as well btw. I get up almost right away because I feel like a scum bag being on his lap when guy1 and I did stuff hours prior. me and friend leave to pick up breakfast and when we return I can tell right away that guy2 knows what happened with guy1 and I becasuse his entire demeanor changed toward me. I left shortly after because I was beyond embarrassed. A friend calls me telling me guy1 is talking to them about what happened nothing bad all good but giving details.. I call guy1 to tell him to chill with telling people and basically say i'm so embarrassed everyone knows im gonna throw myself off a building and jokingly but dead serious said we can't hang out anymore I can't look at ya in the eyes and he actually seemed kinda hurt about what I was saying even though he ****ed with my head for years. Anyway guy2 calls me later to talk and he brings up the situation and says damn could've been me and I said yeah deff. could've been you but you passed out so I had to settle. And said next time I think hooking up with guy1 is a good idea please just hit me I want nothing to do with him . And guy2 seems relieved when I say those things. The following weekend he invites me to a party and guy1 is talking about hooking up with another girl in front of me and I kinda don't care but guy2 was like telling him to shut up and made it obvious that he didn't want him to talk about it in front of me I guess cause he thought it would hurt my feelings. but It was very odd because he never does that kind of stuff like ever. Throughout the night he kept grabbing my butt and talking really close to my face but then got really drunk and the night was squashed. My friend who was there that night said he was eye ****ing me all night but who knows.We've talked a handful of times since then which was 2 weeks ago btw. but he's been real busy with work/school so i'm not that concerned. I just want someone else's opinion on this situation. I know I ****ed things up by being with guy1 but he's slept with 2 of my friends so it really shouldn't matter. He is just giving me tons of mixed signals I just wish I could have a solid answering because i'm getting confused on how to act around him lol sorry for the long as post but please help!! haha

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Okay first of all, next time you post something long as fvck, please separate it into proper sentence and paragraphs, because that was annoying as fvck to read. Second of all, You sound just like me in high school, and I think we would totally get along lol.

    As far as these 2 guys go, it is obvious you want something more with guy2, so you need to SINCERELY stay away from guy1, I know you're a horny teenager, and when booze is involved, it's easy to just say fvck it, and do what you want, but if you're serious about having anything with guy2, you need to BACK OFF of guy1. If guy1 keeps trying anything with you (at parties, etc) then just tell him, straight up, to fvck off.

    To be perfectly honest, it doesn't seem as though guy2 is ready for a relationship, but if you can show him, that you're serious, then maybe he will. But you really need to put in the effort, because like I said, he seems like the kind of guy, who would fck you, then act like a friend again.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    You all have issues. I suggest you stay away from all these lying, cheating cunts and dirt bags, learn some self respect and meet a nice guy.

    If you want something serious with guy2 TELL him that. Be honest and if hes not interested in a committed, exclusive relationship-cut him out of your life

    stop all this best "friend" rubbish. Its not fair to any gf of his or bf of yours.

    I also recommend you all stop f**king the same people and stop drinking so much if ye cant control yourselves..

    Do you really want a guy who has already f**ked ALL your mates? Jeez sometimes i wonder is there something wrong with me? Am i the only 23year old who doesnt act like a freaking monkey in the zoo? But then i think "no theres nothing wrong with having standards and self respect"
    "Don't ask a question if you can't handle the answer".

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Btw guy 2 will cheat on you if you do go out with him.
    "Don't ask a question if you can't handle the answer".

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