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Thread: Why would she reblock me?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Why would she reblock me?

    My ex and I dated for about 18 months and then she left me for some other guy. As time goes by she sporadically contacts me on her terms only. A few months later I text her. The next day she texts me first telling me something personal she found out by going through my facebook. She unblocked me. Then the following day she texts me again about the break up claiming she had feelings for the other guy during the last few months of our relationship. She then says they have something amazing together. I tell her I don’t need to hear that and then she explodes on me and tells me to never talk to her again and then reblocks my Facebook. She then threatens me with a restraining order if i keep talking to her (she contacted me). She then explodes to a mutual friend about our conversation saying how I don’t get that we won’t work because she is a country girl and I’m a city boy.

    A month later I text her saying I unblocked her and she can block me is she wants, and she tells me to never contact and harass her again but unblocks my facebook. I tell her I will respect her wishes and will not contact her and if she wants to talk, she can initiate it. Then a week goes by of no contact and she reblocks my Facebook. She has blocked me probably 4-5 times since the breakup. Yet contacts me from time to time. But WHY would she reblock me after a week of nothing (no contact with each other)? It’s like something triggered her to block me after a week. We have NOT been Facebook friends for 5 months and she still blocks me. From my Facebook, my life looks pretty good. I talk about my new job, the vacations I’m going too, pictures of me and our mutual friends partying, me But WHY would she block me randomly after a week? She has so much emotion towards me and I don't know why.
    Last edited by Ryan52; 14-08-13 at 06:45 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    She blocks and unblocks because she wants to know what is going on with you but as you said on her terms. Quit offering for her to contact you because she seems like the sort that will do so when she is feeling lonely or when she needs attention and then blow you off or threaten you with restraining orders when she has satisfied her need for that attention. She is your ex, not your friend, and there isn't anything tying you to her. Continually trying to maintain contact is quite simply toxic behaviour. She sounds like a disaster, and you are playing right along, block her and take the choice and power away from her because this is nonsense. Find a girl that isn't such a waste of your time and effort.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Can't you see how unstable this person is? I don't know if she was always that way but she's got problems now. First she contacts you to rub it in about how she was already falling for that other guy when she was with you and how they have something amazing and then when you don't care to hear her story, she goes off the deep end and makes it seem as if you're obsessed with her (which, by the way, is probably what she's hoping for because it boosts her ego). I really dislike people like this who end a relationship but still want to know for their own petty little reasons that the ex is still hung up on them, can't move on because they were so wonderful and hard to forget. I don't even know why you're keeping in contact with her. You're just playing right into her game. Block her and move on and don't respond to any of her texts, etc. The way she is, she just might call the police on you out of spite if you keep in contact with her and claim that you're harassing her (she's already set the stage for that claim).

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